W-bus telestart talks directly to the heater, Lin-bus telestart talks to the van and heater is the simplest way of putting it.
OK, blockmap & admap file attached below :


  • adpmap-18-7E0-963-273-A_WV2ZZZ7HZHH.CSV
    3.9 KB · Views: 44
I believe the controller is wired correctly because the command chain from remote all the way to Webasto seems to work.

However, it seems that the actual software in the Webasto is still the original one (only aux.coolant heater functionality, no desired capability to run from a remote).
In the adaptation file:
It should be SW:7E0-963-272-B
See @wolny 's post ---> Webasto Auxiliary Heater - upgrade to Parking Heater

You could try to see what's in flash status under "Advanced ID" (under 18-Aux.Heater menu).

OK, blockmap & admap file attached below :
I think the blockmap file is missing... there would have been some info if there were faults...
Ok, so I have a chance to look at this again this afternoon. Under "Advanced ID" (under 18-Aux.Heater menu) I have :

VCDS Version: Release 19.6.2 (x64)
Address 18: Aux. Heat
Control Module Part Number: 7E0 963 273 A
Component and/or Version: STH-T5GP2 003 0009
Software Coding: 5001
Work Shop Code: WSC 02737
VCID: 2B52A617425A0F1722-807F

Advanced Identification/FAZIT
Identification: WOS-000
Date: 21.07.16
Manufacturer number: 4632
Test stand number: 5009
Flash Status
Programming Attempts(application): 1/0/0
Programming Attempts(data): 64
Successful Attempts(data): 21332/18477/21557/18256/12832/8224
Programming Status: 01010000
Flash Date: 00.00.00
Hardware number: 7E0 963 273 A
Workshop System Name: J364
Equipment/PR Code: 000000000000000000000000
Dataset Number: -----------
Dataset Version: ----
ASAM Dataset: EV_AuxilParkiHeateWOST5G2
ASAM Dataset Revision: 001013
VCDS Info:
VCID: 2B52A617425A0F1722-807F
Labels: 7E0-963-27X-18.clb
ROD: EV_AuxilParkiHeateWOST5G2.rod
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I have the 3 flash files from Wolny (MEGA link) :


If I understand correctly I need to put the first file on (ending 272B) ?

What is the procedure for doing that with VCDS ?

I am getting occasional connection issues between VCDS and the van so should I be worried about this happening during the flash process?
I have the 3 flash files from Wolny (MEGA link) :


If I understand correctly I need to put the first file on (ending 272B) ?

What is the procedure for doing that with VCDS ?

I am getting occasional connection issues between VCDS and the van so should I be worried about this happening during the flash process?
For flashing you have to use either ODIS(Odis-Engineering is the best) or VCP. There is no flashing facility on VCDS.
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yesterday I tested Telestart module 3Q0963513 with VW T6 and it works properly, so if someone needs module paired with remote control transmitter tested with VW T6 Webasto Auxiliary Heater I have one (50Euro + shipping)
20200227_162539.jpg 20200227_162555.jpg
To use an existing auxiliary heater as parking heater you need:
  • Auxiliary Heater 7E0963273A
  • firmware FL_7E0963272B__0009.frf
  • vas5054A and ODIS or VCP
  • Telestart with LIN [ 5Q0 963 513 A, 3Q0963513 (new remote) ]
  • new coding in Address 18: Aux. Heat (J364) Labels:| 7E0-963-27X-18.c Coding: 5001 <- new coding (old was 4101)
That's all.
I reviewed your post #post-228908 Webasto Auxiliary Heater - customizing
and found that you were trying use module with not supported old version remote control.

Module 3Q0963513 HW 004 working only with this remote:

Remote control can be paired with module with this procedure:

Teaching In Telestart Transmitter for Thermo Top E and C
1. Insert the battery in the battery compartment of the transmitter.
2. Remove the 1 A fuse (black) from the heater's fuse holder (voltage interruption
of receiver) - or simply disconnect Telestart 6 pin connector.
3. Wait at least 5 seconds and refit the fuse (insert connector to power up Telestart).
4. After approximately 2 seconds, however within 6 seconds, press the OFF button
on the transmitter for at least 1 second.
5. Teaching is completed.
A maximum of 4 hand-held transmitters can be taught in this way. During additional
teaching processes, the "oldest" transmitter will be deleted each time.

Sorry form my English:)
I'm glad I could help.

At the beginning I also tried unlock heater like @markob over adaptations with VCDS but no lucky.
I read some info that parking heater and auxiliary heater have the same hardware.
I compared the flash files for parking heater with the flash for auxiliary heater (1byte difference in size)
FL_7E0963273A__0009.frf - size: 180 091 bytes
FL_7E0963272B__0009.frf - size: 180 092 bytes
So, I took some risk and I upgraded my brothers T6 auxiliary heater with firmware from parking heater - and it start working with Tlestart. That's all. It was in December 2017.
I’m really happy to say this is now working!
Good to hear! :thumbsup:
If you still could dwell a bit on this - I'm curious how the flashing is now seen in "Advanced ID" under 18-Aux. Heater :geek:?

Then, a suggestion - if you are running Webasto from starter battery, change coding to 5101 (now 5001) by ticking Bit 0 (of byte 0).

Then Webasto would be under van's own "energy management" which would inhibit starting Webasto if starter battery is too low. Otherwise there is a chance to end up having non-starting but warm van :D
(Ignore the Bit 3 in the picture)

Currently internal low voltage cut-out is set 11.3 Volts (see adaptations).
That’s an interesting issue, with the starter battery never fully charged (on euro 6 engines) I suppose you could run it down quite easily with the heater on?