According to Google - isn't 8K0963271 a pair with Eberspächer-heater?

It looks like the search pulled out more likely data of T5/T5.1 + T6 with EU5 engines. AFAIK they were equipped with Webasto Thermo Top C heater (not Evo as yours) - part no 7E0 815 071. So I would guess the controller 7N0 963 513 was used with them.

Have you got chance to have a look at part# under the battery in your remote?
Agreed - I have been trying to look into these part numbers more and 8K0963271 does seem to be associated with the Eberspächer heater (I definitely have a Webasto according to the door sticker)

Tomorrow I will try to get under the van and get the exact part number from my Webasto as I think this might help identify which Telestart controller I need

According to Google - isn't 8K0963271 a pair with Eberspächer-heater?

It looks like the search pulled out more likely data of T5/T5.1 + T6 with EU5 engines. AFAIK they were equipped with Webasto Thermo Top C heater (not Evo as yours) - part no 7E0 815 071. So I would guess the controller 7N0 963 513 was used with them.

Have you got chance to have a look at part# under the battery in your remote?
This is the picture I managed to take of the part number under the battery - Its very hard to read !

IMG_6007 copy.jpg
Thanks - plot thickens...

The remote is - surprise, surprise - the T91R-WOS 7N0 963 511 (as it seemed by button layout, see picture of mine on previous page) which no way can pair with 3Q0 963 513 controller. I have the same 7N0...remote in Golf and my T6 has the 3Q0 963 513 controller and they don't get along.

So there is a mystery how your 7N0-remote paired with the box having 3Q0 963 513 -sticker on it.

This definitely sounds weird but doesn't this look like you possibly have in your box internals of this controller?

Can you measure what happens in controller's pin 3 when turned on from remote - 7N0963513 controller shoud have "analog" 12V output there??? @oldiebut goodie can you confirm pin 3/analog 12V?

If the early screenshot was from your van - the Webasto part# is 7E0 963 273 A.
Thanks @mmi - certainly the seller of the T91 was a little unsure of what he sold me. I have actually returned it this evening so unfortunately cannot test the analogue 12v output. Shame, would have been nice to understand the mystery!

I will order a new T91 and remote control, probably tomorrow. Just need to work out which one is the correct one.

do you have the same Webasto as me (7E0 963 273 A.) ?
@oldiebut goodie can you confirm pin 3/analog 12V?
Yes, it is usually 12v for analogue heaters should be a black wire if original wiring.
There are so many different modules for numerous vehicles that it is an absolute nightmare working out which is which.

I have a controller that is paired with a remote but it will only give 30 minutes heating with no other commands possible( like changing heating time)
do you have the same Webasto as me (7E0 963 273 A.) ?
@wolny had exactly the same Webasto part#
"Software: 7E0 963 272 B HW: 7E0 963 273 A
See full listing---> Webasto Auxiliary Heater - customizing
And he used "Telestart T91 LIN module (5Q0 963 513 A)"

Anyways, the important bit is the software which you have already patched to 7E0 963 272 B which does the trick.

My hardware part# is 7E0 963 272 A/B, but the important bit is the software 7E0 963 272 B
these have been coupled with
Remote Control Auxiliary Heater: Part No SW: 5Q0 963 513 A HW: 5Q0 963 513 A (early EU6 T6)
Remote Control Auxiliary Heater: Part No SW: 3Q0 963 513 HW: 3Q0 963 513 (EU6 T6 MY17..MY20)​

So based on that both remote controllers have been used with one and only software of Webasto itself I would expect that both would work for you, too.

I believe the (hardware) part numbers (yours/mine) are different because our Nordic heaters have an additional "Heater coolant shut-off valve (N279)" which enables parking heater function only (heats only cabin, not engine). Anyways, the software is exactly the same.

@oldiebut goodie can you confirm pin 3/analog 12V?
Yes, it is usually 12v for analogue heaters should be a black wire if original wiring.
There are so many different modules for numerous vehicles that it is an absolute nightmare working out which is which.

I have a controller that is paired with a remote but it will only give 30 minutes heating with no other commands possible( like changing heating time)
Thanks. That's useful to know. Google isn't always the most reliable source of information.

In an Amarok there was owner's guide which suggested that by fancy sequency on the buttons one could set heating time. See pages 29-31 in --->
However, didn't then have time to play to see if it really works:unsure:
Ok - I found a good seller on eBay Germany. He is very helpful and checked from my VIN number which module I need. He says this is the correct one for my August 2016 built T6, what does everyone think? It doesn’t say LIN bus on it but everything else looks better than the last one I bought..

Ok - I found a good seller on eBay Germany. He is very helpful and checked from my VIN number which module I need. He says this is the correct one for my August 2016 built T6, what does everyone think? It doesn’t say LIN bus on it but everything else looks better than the last one I bought..

View attachment 58449
I bet on this one :thumbsup:
So I finally have my new Telestart module!

I have tried to get it working tonight with some strange results :

Firstly connected it up and pressed the heating button on the remote, it flashed green and then kept flashing green for 5 seconds. I checked the manual and it says "something is stopping the heater from starting for example fuel tank is nearly empty or battery charge is low.."

Aha, of course I only had a small amount of fuel left - reserve light was on!

Quickly went and filled up and tried again, now the light (on the remote) flashes green briefly but nothing else happens

Sitting in the drivers seat I can hear a noise behind the climate controls (like a click or movement noise) when I press the heating button on the remote but nothing else happens after that

So... it seems like something is communicating but not fully?
Make sure that you have switched off with the remote before attempting the start again. ( On my T100 if I start with the remote I then have to switch off with the remote rather than any other controller otherwise the remote continues in the mode for the last command)
To start -press and hold until solid light goes out, this tells you that the heater has received the command. Once heater is running the light should flash until switched off.
(I prefer the T100 as you then have a lcd screen on the remote with the info on.)
Well I tried again today. No joy

think I need to get either VCDS or VCP to work out what’s going on...
Put up a pic of your wiring of the plug at the telestart, let's see if there is anything amiss there first.
now the light (on the remote) flashes green briefly but nothing else happens
So just steady green for approx. 2 seconds on remote? What about when pressing OFF - also steady red (2 secs)?
Yes, exactly that. And after pressing on (once the green light goes out) there is a click noise from behind the climate controls
That's a good sign - the steady green or red. Also the first try with low fuel and "irregular blinking green" shows that there is at least some communications back and forth.

Seems that VCDS session might be useful to check what's going on, or not.

Pulling out measurement blocks and adaptation maps should shed some light - as all the working parameters are shown in there. Though thinking that flashing the software should have also set up the heater correctly. Unless e.g. left in transport mode - has the Webasto worked now as engine coolant aux.heater below +5C?


VCDS -> Applications -> Controller Channel Map ->
Tick/fill boxes as above and hit Go

VCDS Flashes screens for a moment (when finished hit "Done, Go Back") and there will be files adpmap-18-... and blockmap-18-... in folder C:\Ross-Tech\VCDS\Logs\....

Just strip off last 5 digits of the VIN (if so desired) in file name and upload the files here.
Attached my maps to give some hints how the values should look like. Blockmap is just read-only status information. Adpmap (adaptations) are things that can be altered - and they will then be propagated into blockmap. Alterations are done in VCDS via adaptation function.

However, before actual adaptations (for some), access code (20103) need to be typed in at "Security Access" (below Adaptation -button). Known access codes are also shown when hovering over input field by mouse. The VCDS will instruct when access code is needed. Certainly another possibility would be to try to reset all adaptations - in Basic Settings...


  • adpmap-18-7E0-963-272-B_20191223.CSV
    3.9 KB · Views: 38
  • blockmap-18-7E0-963-272-B_20191223.CSV
    11.7 KB · Views: 33
Since the software changes the automatic feature (at less than 5’c) of the auxiliary heater has been working perfectly. So the heater seems happy.

Sadly I don’t have VCDS - when James did the software change I’m pretty sure he used VCP. Which one should I get?
The VCDS is capable to tweak/alter whatever VW has meant to be alterable. VCDS also has very powerful data logging - if needed (not needed for this). The VCP goes even beyond that - never actually used one so don't know the details. Perhaps @Robert can tell more about VCP's suitability.

A possible - more economical - solution would be OBDeleven (Android app) which has same capabilities as VCDS to alter module codings/adaptation. I also have one and haven't yet found any shortcomings in coding or adaptations when compared with VCDS. Well, except data logging (called live data in OBD11) is clumsy and slow.

However, re VCDS and this exact software in Webasto, there is a pending software glitch which prevents some of the adaptations. More ---> VW Transporter T6, Address 18 Aux.Heat --- Adaptation FAIL
But the glitch doesn't effect all the adaptations - I have tried a few others and they worked just fine. Interestingly OBDeleven can alter even the adaptations that failed in VCDS.