Just joined as we have just received our T6 converted by the excellent The Campervan factory. Basic T30 startline with a Pendle remap. Have had a T4 for the past decade that I converted myself. Love him to bits! Looking forward to a similar relationship with this beaut.
Not even been for a proper drive in her yet. Very excited.
(Yes, the T4 was a boy (called Jane!!) this one a girl called Midori, no idea why!)

Just joined as we have just received our T6 converted by the excellent The Campervan factory. Basic T30 startline with a Pendle remap. Have had a T4 for the past decade that I converted myself. Love him to bits! Looking forward to a similar relationship with this beaut.
Not even been for a proper drive in her yet. Very excited.
(Yes, the T4 was a boy (called Jane!!) this one a girl called Midori, no idea why!)