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You could always try here... all!
Been out of the van game for a while but now back on the hunt for one, thought i'd sign up after being a T4/5 Forum member years ago!
If anyone's got a SWB Highline DSG with less than 50k miles, fully converted, does 400MPG and is selling for £300, let me know yeah?![]()
Hey mate.Hello all, just found this forum, looks like i found a new home !!
Would appreciate any suggestions where to go for a starter project Devon/Cornwall based and looking for something i can work on in my spare time but drive to work - maybe ex fleet as they seem to have pretty decent history ( unless you guys can suggest sommat else ? )
Welcome. You've come to the right place.Hi All, I’m a fresh owner of 2017, T6. I’m hoping to find lots of useful technical and practical information here, some inspiration on conversion and help from experienced transporter owners.
Welcome a great forum to ask questions and solve issuesJust joined yesterday after picking up my converted 6.1 lwb auto. One night away so far…looking forward to more of that and lots of useful and helpful discussions on here…!