Welcome new members

Hi all. Long time lurker, first time t6 owner. I've got a 72 plate t6 in Ravenna Blue, and loving it. I've had it lined with new LED spotlights in the back so far. Next up, B14 Komfort coilover kit on and lowered, with some 20" Supermetal Cell wheels in matt black. Engine remap and roof bars for adventures. Am I on the right path? Buy a t6 and throw money at it right?
Merry Christmas all. Looking to pick up my new (to me) van in Jan. T32 LWB. Got lots of questions. Long time ghoster, first time poster.
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Screenshot_20241111_164015_Samsung Internet.jpgA place for new members to stop by and say hello, tell us what your driving or planning to drive & anything else you want to share.

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Hi all.
Newbie here first time VW TransporterT6.1 owner .
Had plenty work vans. Transit,Mercedes etc.

At moment just a van but intend fitting it out with some seating,fold away bed,I'm more of an overnighter than a full time camper.
Will be checking in for advice no doubt.
Based in South Wales.

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morning guys, newbie here, T6 owner and had my van for a year, looking to convert my van.

i have 16 inch alloys i bought that came off a T28 and mine is a T32, would they be ok to put on?
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morning guys, newbie here, T6 owner and had my van for a year, looking to convert my van.

i have 16 inch alloys i bought that came off a T28 and mine is a T32, would they be ok to put on?
Look on the back of them, they should have the load rating in kg.

Then look at your axle weights on the VIN plate and divide by 2!

And welcome to the Forum!
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Hi @Glasgowguy. Welcome to the forum.

In addition to checking the load rating of the wheels, you'll also need to check the chassis size of your van. Some (not all) T32s have a 17 inch chassis rather than the standard 16 inch, and, if yours is one of them, you'll need 17 inch wheels minimum.
Hello, just signed up today. Won’t be buying anything until the end of the year (company car goes back). So, I’m using my time to research as much as I can
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