@CAB you have Trooper produced by Robinsons up by you... That should be a happy staple whilst you explore the real beers up north.
Try HobgoblIn Ruby tho. And wadworth 6x. Both awesome beers
Can't wait till we meet for a beer swap around a big f.o. fire.
@Sabre , yep, can occasionally smell Robbies when the wind is in the right direction. Used to go to a backstreet Robbies from our Uni hall, would only sell Old Tom in halves! Love their mild, when I can find it, Trooper also superb and slightly atypical for them (not a typical Robbies taste).
Most of my drinking these days is supermarket bottles, so yes, HobgoblIn (original Ruby) very good stuff. We decided to get the van in order to get out and about the country a bit, looking forward to finding new beers and reacquainting with old favourites.
Wadworth 6x, love that, not had it for years but went to the Cotswolds in Feb (BC and also BV, Before Corona and Before Van) and enjoyed a few.
As I mentioned earlier, many of my old favourites have been sold/moved brewery. However I am very heartened by the amount of new breweries and beers, just wish they weren't
all IPA
Moving to Manchester was a revelation. Holts for 66p/pint! Hydes half-and-half through electric pumps! Then I started hillwalking, and discovered Theakstons, before they sold their souls to the devil (or Scottish & Newcastle, which was basically the same thing). I can still call to mind feeling my heart leap as I trudged off a hill in the rain and saw a Theakstons logo on the side of a pub.
Sorry for the ramble. Simply to say:
- Lots of great beers drunk;
- Lots more to look forward to!