What are you drinking tonight?

It is Guinness nitro surge...and it is very good. Also partial to the zero now when driving. Cans of zero ok but bit wishy washy!

But more importantly also is the helium Santa.... 3 years old now! One of the best buys. Does take some storing though..... :grin bounce:

So, @Drive Wayne has been welded to the wife for a long time, and thinks Black Heart is the way to go.
@Cuffy has sorted the new pour, but whats the G like compared to the real stuff?
And @Pete C is on the La Chouffe, which is an awesome beer we met in Belgium last month at the six.
Lots going on. I had a Tiger with a curry tonight...
It's not a million miles away to be fair.
I'm actually sold on the stuff.
Does Guinness 00 exist anywhere on draught? Would be great.

5 white spirits for long Island ice tea, or it's... Not. o_O
Used to go to a bar in Dubai that always had the booze on an optic for serving pints of iced tea. That was awesome!
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Does Guinness 00 exist anywhere on draught? Would be great.

5 white spirits for long Island ice tea, or it's... Not. o_O
Used to go to a bar in Dubai that always had the booze on an optic for serving pints of iced tea. That was awesome!
Seen it in a few places, not bad at all.