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I quite like those. Where from, linky please? Same for the badges as well :)

Sorry, can’t help with the badges, they were fitted by the previous owner.
Link for plate holders below. :) :thumbsup:

Emergency breakdown/1st aid kit from Renault UK's eBay shop for £5. Car Safety Kit 1st Aid Breakdown Emergency Travel medical Kit KE93000024 93000024 | eBay

A selection of dressings, warning triangle, scissors, two hi-vis vests and storage bag. Listed as end of line with packaging perhaps showing signs of age or slight damage or being close to, or past sell by date.

For £5 it provides a good basic kit which can be added to for foreign travel.

@Cymro. That's a real bargain if somebody is looking for that sort of thing - my instinct was to buy one but we're actually well covered in both the van and car! It's one of those rare occasions when I thought about it properly before pressing the 'buy button'.
@Cymro. That's a real bargain if somebody is looking for that sort of thing - my instinct was to buy one but we're actually well covered in both the van and car! It's one of those rare occasions when I thought about it properly before pressing the 'buy button'.
Thinking about it properly before hitting “buy”…..I REALLY must practice that one! (That ship sailed a long time ago for me!!!)
@Cymro. That's a real bargain if somebody is looking for that sort of thing - my instinct was to buy one but we're actually well covered in both the van and car! It's one of those rare occasions when I thought about it properly before pressing the 'buy button'.
I’m just proud of myself for resisting buying the 12 pack they were selling for about £2 per pack!
How come it died? Too much juice going through?
I dont think so, but not 100% sure. I didn't see the report Victron sent to the retailer. However they were willing to replace the unit, but I opted to pay a bit more and get the next unit up.