What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

Early finish at work = finishing the batons and 1st layer of sound deadening for my floor. Left over Silent Coat went into the side panels, but fair play to VW, the extra deadening didn't really do much to improve on what the factory fitted stuff on it's own achieved.

Not going to be able to do anything else before it goes to VanDoc on Friday to have what my daughter terms "My roof bed" fitted.

SENT my wheels back,, very very poor paint work started to wipe off after 30 miles lol unrealIMG_8225.JPG IMG_8253.JPG
Filled it with boards.. and watch them fall over before I could get a strap on..
Well i took delivery of my candy white 16 plate t6 this morning. Very sleepless night last night I have to say. Lovely hour drive home in it too. Few things to do work wise but since then, taken bulk head out, removed all the ply panels, took delivery of silent coat and double sliding windows from Kiravans. Can't wait to get those in hopefully on Sunday. Bit scared about cutting the panels out but watched quite a few different videos on YouTube so fingers crossed for no mistakes.