What Have You Done To Your Van Today?

Have you nnoticd much difference with this mate?
I've now done both sides and driven a bit more. Definitely an improvement there. I'm not noticing the road noise as much so I'd say definitely worth doing if you've got a spare few hours.

Lots of rattling in the van so I still think I'm going to try wider softer tyres to make for a smoother ride but I'm very happy with the sound deadening I've done.
Started the sound deadening in the scuttle today. Removed wipers, scuttle panel and detached wiper motor. Tried to clean it out as much as possible, the van spends a lot of time under a pine tree so it's absolutely full of needles under there! Half way through cleaning it out.....
Started to apply some 2ml butyl to the driver's side, left gap for drainage channel. There's a big square plastic cover which on the passenger side is open to what looks like something to do with the air vents, I've covered that on the driver's side assuming that will be ok, will leave it open on the passenger side.

Had to cobble it back together for now, going to pick it up tomorrow and get it finished. 2ml butyl everywhere I can plus some extra foam (6ml I think) on the bigger flatter surfaces.

Did the underside of the bonnet the other day. Hopefully this will go as planned and I'll notice the difference!
Finished the scuttle. Covered as much as I could in the butyl stuff then added some bits of acoustic foam, I think it was 6ml but I forget what I ordered. (Any reason I couldn't just double it up and make it 12ml!?)

Put it all back together then realised I didn't take a good picture of the finished job but here's before the foam

Put a few pieces on the engine side of the scuttle as well.

Not been for a test drive yet. Picking up a KFC soon so that will be the test run!

Note for people from the future who might find this whilst googling sound deadening like I did....... It's not that hard! It's taken me a few hours, but I'm a proper novice, generally shit at stuff like this or can't be bothered doing it, but I've managed to take it apart and put it back together with no major drama. Hopefully there's some impact on the noise.
Update to the above, I'd say the difference is very subtle, it definitely takes the edge off when cruising along, but still plenty engine noise when running up through the gears! Need to do a proper run though. I've got plenty of the foam left so I might bung a few more layers of that in at some point.

Wheel arches next ‍
Update to the above, I'd say the difference is very subtle, it definitely takes the edge off when cruising along, but still plenty engine noise when running up through the gears! Need to do a proper run though. I've got plenty of the foam left so I might bung a few more layers of that in at some point.

Wheel arches next ‍
I found with my work on the scuttle it takes some of the high pitch noise away but doesn't do a great deal for the general engine noise. More of a muffling than a huge sound barrier. Every little helps though.
Update to the above, I'd say the difference is very subtle, it definitely takes the edge off when cruising along, but still plenty engine noise when running up through the gears! Need to do a proper run though. I've got plenty of the foam left so I might bung a few more layers of that in at some point.

Wheel arches next ‍
I found with my work on the scuttle it takes some of the high pitch noise away but doesn't do a great deal for the general engine noise. More of a muffling than a huge sound barrier. Every little helps though.

Have you guys done any of the cab / interior yet?
i.e. front seats, floor out, and all the floor etc?
Me either. I'd like to do it but I don't think I can invest the time/risk doing a bad job/find I can't get everything out without breaking stuff/find I can't get everything back together again.

I'm going to speak to a local conversion company in a couple of weeks, see if they can give me a quote for doing it, I suspect it's going to quickly add up for to the time/labour cost which is too be expected. Just need to figure where my limit is.

My other thought is to tie it in with getting an under seat sub fitted, bit that seems a tad excessive!
Me either. I'd like to do it but I don't think I can invest the time/risk doing a bad job/find I can't get everything out without breaking stuff/find I can't get everything back together again.

I'm going to speak to a local conversion company in a couple of weeks, see if they can give me a quote for doing it, I suspect it's going to quickly add up for to the time/labour cost which is too be expected. Just need to figure where my limit is.

My other thought is to tie it in with getting an under seat sub fitted, bit that seems a tad excessive!

Honestly dont doubt yourself. Read the guides on the forum, Removing the seats is so easy, most complicated bit is the drivers seat as its got a few electricals attached to it and the handbrake. Aside from that its just clips, trim and the standard carpet/floor.


It's when your driving position ends up looking like this that you need to start getting concerned....
(please note: this was for entertainment value only)
I'd say it took me about an hour and a half to do one side. Part of that was faffing around with the stupid plastic clip that broke - it might be quicker if you take the wheel off but I'm on a slight slope so I'm always nervy of taking the wheel off if I don't have to.

Have you added the extra door seals?
I used this one:

I did this first and was actually quite impressed, all add up though.

@nonumb might sound a daft question but what's the technique for getting the wheel arches out with the wheels still on!? Turn to full lock? Is it much of a faff? I'd prefer not to take wheels off if I can avoid it.

If you do 2ml butyl to the back of the line and add some to the metal work, did the liner go back on ok!?

I've got some 6ml sticky backed acoustic foam, recommend that on the inside of the arch? Can't imagine it's very weather proof
@nonumb might sound a daft question but what's the technique for getting the wheel arches out with the wheels still on!? Turn to full lock? Is it much of a faff? I'd prefer not to take wheels off if I can avoid it.

If you do 2ml butyl to the back of the line and add some to the metal work, did the liner go back on ok!?

I've got some 6ml sticky backed acoustic foam, recommend that on the inside of the arch? Can't imagine it's very weather proof
Either straight wheels and it's easy enough but you're hugging the wheel a little for the points either side of the suspension or put on full lock one way then full lock the other way. I did use a 1/4" ratchet rather than a screwdriver so if you've got a long screwdriver you may struggle.

LI believe it only works for the fronts though - I'm sure I read the back is a wheels off job.

I used 2mm butyl on the metal then just 8mm foam on the arches but it's closed cell foam so it's waterproof.

If you have non water proof foam I wouldn't recommend it as there is a path for water to take and it will get wet at some point. I did read that the foam is what makes most of the difference.

No issues with getting the arch liner back on but if you look at the pictures I did leave some space around the fixing points.