Where Have You Been In Your Van Today?

To the garage to fill the tank. Then I’ve been back and forward to it a lot today loading bikes inside and all the gear for 11 days in Scotland starting tomorrow, early I hope. We’ll be in Kenmore, near Aberfeldy, for 4 nights in accommodation then we’ve 7 nights to fill. We’ve not decided quite where we’ll go or what we’ll do. The weather and the midges (if they haven’t all died) will shape that part of the adventure. We’re really looking forward to a good break without any illness or other challenges.
You don't get midges in that part of Scotland, you'll be fine. If you head far west you might have some though

Loads to do round there, Aberfeldy is great. Schiehallion is a good easyish walk up a mountain (the top is a massive boulder field though), Dunkeld is lovely, and of course there's Aviemore just up the A9.
Continuing our Greek odyssey, we took the ferry car ferry over th the island of Poros (still The Peloponnese) yesterday. We first came here about 40 years ago when it was a comparatively quite backwater used mostly for holiday homes by well heeled Athenians and were last here in late September 2012 when it was still quiet but that was also partly due to it being near the end of their season). Coming off the ferry yesterday, we quickly realised how much it had changed and things were heaving in the main town (where the port is located) - some of the people might have been day visitors as there were fewer around last night but it was still quite busy. We're in a very nice AirBnB for a few days rather than staying in the van but there's unfortunately no parking on the premises (despite the AirBnB losing sating there was!). That said, I've no real qualms about parking the van around the corner and out of sight as it's a small island with little crime (je says with confidence). Sorry about ther large Greek woman in the picture - she showed no signs of moving.
You don't get midges in that part of Scotland, you'll be fine. If you head far west you might have some though

Loads to do round there, Aberfeldy is great. Schiehallion is a good easyish walk up a mountain (the top is a massive boulder field though), Dunkeld is lovely, and of course there's Aviemore just up the A9.
Thanks @TallPaul_S we are planning on heading west from here on Sunday. Maybe to Glencoe and Fort William from there. Maybe get over to Mull. We’ve never got further than Oban on the West coast. We’ve got 7 days to fill. We need to be home on the 22nd.
Lofoten is amazing.
I can recommend Skagen Camping at Flakstad. Fabulous club house with amazing views and a cafe. Right on a stunning beach. Not too expensive and a camp where you want attitude. Plus the drive there along the E10 is just spectacular.
Uttakliev beach is stunning, but the camping area isn't that nice, or level. We stayed in the car park at Hauklandstranda which is just around the headland. You can walk to Uttakliev along the old road (there's a tunnel now for vehicles) which takes you round the headland. look out for white tailed eagles on the cliffs. Plenty of people staying there when we stayed, and loads camping in tents around the edge of the beach.
Hope you have some nice weather.
Lofoten is amazing.
I can recommend Skagen Camping at Flakstad. Fabulous club house with amazing views and a cafe. Right on a stunning beach. Not too expensive and a camp where you want attitude. Plus the drive there along the E10 is just spectacular.
Uttakliev beach is stunning, but the camping area isn't that nice, or level. We stayed in the car park at Hauklandstranda which is just around the headland. You can walk to Uttakliev along the old road (there's a tunnel now for vehicles) which takes you round the headland. look out for white tailed eagles on the cliffs. Plenty of people staying there when we stayed, and loads camping in tents around the edge of the beach.
Hope you have some nice weather.
I think that’s where we are staying tonight and tomorrow, yes a great site, we have been spoilt with the weather since leaving Newcastle 8 days ago, Germany and Sweden had a mini heatwave 28* a couple of days, we packed clothes for the Artic..IMG_2393.jpeg
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Skagen is the site with the clubhouse with a big triangular glass frontage overlooking the beach with a cafe/bar downstairs and seating upstairs.
Lucky with the weather. It rained for most of our trip down through Lofoten and as we got to Moskenes for the ferry the weather changed, so we binned that ferry trip and did the lofotens again in the opposite direction in the sunshine and got the ferry from Lodingen to Bognes
Skagen is the site with the clubhouse with a big triangular glass frontage overlooking the beach with a cafe/bar downstairs and seating upstairs.
Lucky with the weather. It rained for most of our trip down through Lofoten and as we got to Moskenes for the ferry the weather changed, so we binned that ferry trip and did the lofotens again in the opposite direction in the sunshine and got the ferry from Lodingen to Bognes
Yes that’s the one, we have been driving every day so far so having two nights here just to relax and look at the maps to plan the next couple of weeks as we head south, there’s lots of hikes we would like to do so hoping the weather is kind to us