I've got the Heko ones, but those Climair ones look good chriscroft
I looked at every angel at all of them, I really don't give a monkeys about the cost (they are all very affordable imo)
I do need mine to work and vent well, so I need to have enough of a gap between the glass and deflector to get proper air flow - I don't think they all manage that
I wanted positive fixing, so there is no chance of them moving or fixings coming out.
I have acoustic glass (option ) on mine, so the glass is slightly thicker, I wanted to be sure they would work.
Clim-air offer a darker (Sport) option comparer to the smoke look. The Darker ones suite my vehicle
I was happy with the single screw which screws through the black plastic trim around the wing mirror
I generally go with a brand (if it makes sense), where I think they have spent loads on R&D, and really care about their Brand name, and are dominant in their market place. Clim-air are a very strong European Brand, and the deflectors are made in Germany
Sounds a bit anal, but generally I have found extensive evaluation generally works out for me when I make a choice (not always)

But boy did I make some mistakes with my T5 (another story)
Having said all that, others seem happy with their choices, you pays your money and takes you chance