2017 204 Bi-Turbo Engine Swap by VW Main Dealer


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Hi, long time reader first time poster here.

I am finally getting my engine swapped under warranty from VW. Engine is ordered (paid for by VW) and hopefully installed within the next week or two.
Question is, what else is worth swapping / upgrading whilst the block is out and easy to access? My engine suffered the dreaded high oil consumption and after finally getting an oil consumption test done the dealer said there was no oil left on the stick, very little in the pan and pushed for an engine replacement.

The problem with the swap is that it only includes the block and no auxiliarys like EGR, Turbos DPF etc. Only if they find them to be faulty during the strip down they will add them to the claim as consequential damage. I have had the EGR fault (engine light) come up twice, which to me would indicate that the EGR is on its way out. I believe my DPF is working correctly at the moment as I monitor it religiously with Carissa and make sure that I finish every regen cycle before I park the vehicle. The turbos? no idea until they strip the engine out and investigate further.

So, if the dealer comes back and says EGR and Turbos are fine would it be worth shelling out the approx 4-5K myself to get these replaced for peace of mind or do I take their word for it and wait until the next EML comes up and I try to argue for consequential damage then?

Other bits that come to mind that would benefit from a refresh would be clutch plates (never going to access them this easy ever again), Flywheel? heard that they might be problematic. And lastly engine belt ( but I would hope that this would be included with the new block)

Van is on 80K now and I would like to get it right this time to hopefully have many more years of worry free motoring ahead. The journey to get this point has already been long and arduous. I am on first name terms with the service department and tbh I don't really want to see them again soon.
Turbo can be refurbished at midland turbos for about £1k.

I'd push them on the DPF if it's using a high amount of oil the DPF could be contaminated and there for will leave sticky hard to burn off deposits in the DPF which will cause the DPF to fail later.

At 80k and having a new engine fitted if it was me I'd 100% have the turbo refurbed just for peace of mind.
i had a blown engine (VW caused) and replaced, we had the same thing - short block replacement.

so all the ancillaries were but back on - including the AC compressor that was noisy as you like, belts etc etc etc.

in our case they also replaced the DPF as it was full up of oil. - but i had to fight for it.

but that's a normal think for a dealer to replace as little as possible. - they either buy in a short block, or buy in a whole engine and resell the ancillaries on service jobs to get there money back.


high oil consumption normally ends up in the DPF - so a clean or replacement may be in order?

same with the turbo, it may need a clean? or rebuild - but a quick look inside when its unbolted will give you a better idea if it needs doing or not. - if its dry it may be ok, . . if its gooey it needs attention.

EGR is a £600 part and needs doing an all T6`s at some point - so might be worth it.

Timing belt and water pump is prob worth it. . . - and should be part of short block - but they might bill you for a new belt, filter and oil ( they did me lol)

and assuming you are getting a new crank main seal as part of the short block?

same with the inter manifold and runners, if the engine was running oily, then the inlet, EGR etc will all be a bit sticky and gunky.

DMF will be needed soon if it not been don already - again about at £600 part, but should be labour free as its part of the main job.


so extras maybe: DMF/EGR/T BELT

and advice from dealer on - DPF/TURBO/INTERCOOLER/INLET MANIFOLD


defo read over these as well ( but separate causes - turbo failure) : 2017 204ps Bi-Turbo issues - Seized turbo!

i had a blown engine (VW caused) and replaced, we had the same thing - short block replacement.

so all the ancillaries were but back on - including the AC compressor that was noisy as you like, belts etc etc etc.

in our case they also replaced the DPF as it was full up of oil. - but i had to fight for it.

but that's a normal think for a dealer to replace as little as possible. - they either buy in a short block, or buy in a whole engine and resell the ancillaries on service jobs to get there money back.


high oil consumption normally ends up in the DPF - so a clean or replacement may be in order?

same with the turbo, it may need a clean? or rebuild - but a quick look inside when its unbolted will give you a better idea if it needs doing or not. - if its dry it may be ok, . . if its gooey it needs attention.

EGR is a £600 part and needs doing an all T6`s at some point - so might be worth it.

Timing belt and water pump is prob worth it. . . - and should be part of short block - but they might bill you for a new belt, filter and oil ( they did me lol)

and assuming you are getting a new crank main seal as part of the short block?

same with the inter manifold and runners, if the engine was running oily, then the inlet, EGR etc will all be a bit sticky and gunky.

DMF will be needed soon if it not been don already - again about at £600 part, but should be labour free as its part of the main job.


so extras maybe: DMF/EGR/T BELT

and advice from dealer on - DPF/TURBO/INTERCOOLER/INLET MANIFOLD


defo read over these as well ( but separate causes - turbo failure) : 2017 204ps Bi-Turbo issues - Seized turbo!

At 89k if your replacing the dmf may aswell not mess about and do the clutch. All the big expensive jobs are covered then.
At 89k if your replacing the dmf may aswell not mess about and do the clutch. All the big expensive jobs are covered then.
dont know why but i assumed he has DSG? (internal clutch plates)

but looking back - he didnt mention it?

so yeh - for sure. if its manual, clutch set all day long.
Hey guys,

thanks for your replies so far.

dont know why but i assumed he has DSG?
Yes, it is a DSG. Sorry I didn't mention that before. I assume the DMF is what I should be focusing on then. This is my first experience with an automatic and my only prior experience with clutch work was a 1.9PD B7 Audi hence thinking clutch set. (what a car, never used a drop of oil)

they also replaced the DPF as it was full up of oil. - but i had to fight for it
And this is where it gets interesting. I am dealing with SMG Croydon and whenever I speak to them get the feeling they want to get rid of me as soon as possible. Let alone talk details. It took me several visits to convince them that I know what I am talking about (years of working on Motorcycles and bike engines) and get some details out of them. Getting to speak to the actual mechanic and have a look at the parts that are concerned seems like wanting to cross the DMZ. Ill keep trying but if you ve got any tricks up your sleeves of how to get there quicker please do let me know.

Waterpump has been done 6 months before I bought the vehicle (summer 22). Id like to think that would still be ok. A belt is a no brainer as it's a penny item.

Worst case scenario

They get back to me and won't replace / repair Turbo, ERG, DPF, options would be

  1. Turbo can be refurbished at midland turbos for about £1k
    As suggested by Dav-Tec
  2. get DPF cleaned elsewhere? Is this something that you guys would recommend / have seen to be successful? or is it a waste of money and I should just get a new one?
  3. Buy an EGR Valve regardless.
  4. Buy Belt and water pump
  5. Get new DMF as its easily accessible
Best case Scenario

They are happy to clean / replace Turbo, EGR and clean / replace DPF

  1. Buy belt and waterpump
  2. Get new DMF
  3. buy new EGR
It looks like im slowly getting my shopping list together. Will pester them with more calls to get as much info out of them as possible and will keep pushing on the DPF.
Obvs any pointers of how to break their wall of silence and get to the mechanic in charge, im all ears.

Thanks for your replies, this is proving super useful.
I had my dpf cleaned recently and it's still not great so I'd say replace it with a new one, the last thing you want is a clogged DPF ruining your new engine/turbos etc
Surprised they aren’t replacing dpf / cat as consequential damage items.
Yes !!!! Thank you @mmi

That’s the kind of argument I was hoping to find.
Is this from erWin or Elsa ? I couldn’t find it in the download section.
It's from erWin - I believe it's found under Vehicle-specific information - by entering VIN you'll get items dedicated to the VIN. Of course need to purchase the access. An hour about 9€ - plenty of time to also load other T6 relevant documents.
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Yes !!!! Thank you @mmi

That’s the kind of argument I was hoping to find.
Is this from erWin or Elsa ? I couldn’t find it in the download section.

How did you get on with this in the end?
To what extent did VW agree to cover costs?
Were there any prerequisites from VW in order for them to pay for this work? I.e. full VW service history, vehicle age or some form of factory warranty in place?

I think I may have the same engine issue as you, on my 2017 204 dsg. Mines done 157,000 miles, so although i'd be disappointed if the engine has failed, especially due to a known design fault, i'm not holding out any hope of VW contributing so much as a penny.
I'm pretty gutted, I love the van, but if it needs a new engine at £12,000 or so, I think i'll end up selling it spares or repairs, and i'm not sure I would gamble on buying another!
Hey @aaron204, this is still ongoing and I haven't got my vehicle back yet. It's turned into a bit of an odyssey but prob more down the garage that is dealing with it. I will update this thread as soon as I get my vehicle back. Hopefully sometime next week.
Looks like mines on its ways out.....

2018 Cxeb 204 engine 79k miles.

Now a non start, and recovered to VW for investigation.

