204ps Bi-Turbo CXEB T6 Engine & Turbo NO PROBLEMS

There are so many threads on here about the issues with this engine I just wondered if anyone has had positive experiences?

Have you enjoyed relevant issue free motoring?

Has your van done a high mileage with just the usual issues that come with this?

Having read all the issues it’s making me doubt my purchase and dreading the day my oil consumption goes through the roof or an engine light appears

Would be nice to hear if anyone has anything positive to say.

Just one thing, there are numerous threads with issues these engines experience so let’s keep this one a positive thread

Saying that there may be no one posting on this thread with that stipulation ;)
We have the unlucky list here -

And the lucky list here -

Plenty of unaffected cxeb users out there.

I was one of the unlucky ones, but have now had a new revised engine fitted - so happy days, looking forward to a further 150k trouble free miles.
65k miles no issues. I did a Millers oil sample check last year & it came back healthy. I do change the oil regularly with OEM oil.
That oil sample check sounds like a good idea and at least I’ll know if things are ok for now or not
It’s about £40 quid iirc & worth it for the peace of mind.
Here you go