AdBlue Discussion and Issues

A quick about this adblue malarkey, this thing really makes me nervous but kind got used to it for the most part.
I’m about to go on holiday and will be doing quite a few miles. Currently the display is telling me there’s 2,500 miles left but of course this tends to be more of a guesstimate as it also depends on what type of driving I have been doing. I like to get it filled before a long trip but this 2,500 miles is taking a long time to drop and for the display to popup telling me to fill it up.
My question is that when it gets low but hasn’t yet popped up asking to be filled can I fill it up now or do I have to wait for it to ask to be filled?
Hope this makes sense.
Incidentally I would struggle to carry a ten litre container of adblue and lift it due to a disability so I tend to use filling stations with pumps.
You can add Adblue whenever you wish. Just do not overfill. In my case Adblue usage is about 1 litre per 600 miles. My Adblue tank is 10L if my display says I have 2500 miles left I can work out how much I can put in. On the other hand take a couple of litres with you in two bottles, so not heavy, and add as required. 2L will give you over 1000 miles of use. Also, if going to the EU then Adblue is readily available.
Halfords do 5L bags that are easy to use. Could you take one of those with you and fill when 5L is the middle of the refill range on the dash? Personally I don’t tempt trouble by filling anything other than middle of the range when it asks for it. Don’t forget to turn the ignition on without starting after topping up to let the refill register.
My 'inside' (and trusted) contact at VW told me that it's really important to use VWs own Ad Blue because many of the cheaper garage brands are not the exact formula and differ slightly, which can lead to problems. I don't think it's a sales pitch and for the extra few quid I'd rather not risk it.
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The German Automotive Industry Association (VDA) owns and licenses the AdBlue brand, and only officially approved manufacturers can use the name. If it was made in Europe (that's why it's important to buy from a reputable source) it will be chemically identical to the stuff in the VW bottle.

Indeed, most Adblue sold in Western Europe is manufacturered in the Netherlands by a firm called Yara and resellers slap their own label on it. VW no more make their own Aeblue than they do their own oil or screenwash - it's all bought in and shipped out in PeoplesCar branded packaging.
I suspect more important than the brand on the packaging is that you get it from somewhere that it doesn't hang around in stock and isn't left outside "on display" in the weather and the sun.

You don't want a bottle that's old or starting to crystallise.
Hi all
My adblue says I have 6500 miles left in tank but just looked and it’s empty in the neck .
I have dipped the tank and looks like it has about 100mm in tank .
It seams to be using adblue as it was full the beginning of last year but does not count down when it’s been used looks like on the display.
Don’t want to over fill it so what I was thinking was to just fill the tank up to just before the bottom of the neck when you shine a light in or will that be too much in tank ?
Hi all
My adblue says I have 6500 miles left in tank but just looked and it’s empty in the neck .
I have dipped the tank and looks like it has about 100mm in tank .
It seams to be using adblue as it was full the beginning of last year but does not count down when it’s been used looks like on the display.
Don’t want to over fill it so what I was thinking was to just fill the tank up to just before the bottom of the neck when you shine a light in or will that be too much in tank ?
What does your manual say?

Do you have a T6.1?

Don’t randomly top it up as that will likely cause problems. It will tell you how much it needs when it needs it.
Hi it’s a T6 and it shows 6500 miles left in tank but tank only has about 100mm in it .
Just don’t want it to run out and make more problems.
Hi it’s a T6 and it shows 6500 miles left in tank but tank only has about 100mm in it .
Just don’t want it to run out and make more problems.
How many miles have you done since it was last filled up? 6500m is about the max you’d expect on a T6 so that wouldn’t be right if you’ve done loads of miles. If you’ve hardly driven it then I wouldn’t worry yet and keep driving. The filler neck will look empty and dipping is not a good indication of what’s left. What it does show you is that you have some (probably quite a lot given the shape of the tank) so no need to worry. Keep driving and see if it comes down over the next 1000m or so.
Hi I have done 8k since filling beginning of last year but it does not move the range left in tank .
Only problem I have is if it’s not reading what’s in tank I will not know if it’s used all what’s in tank and possibly damage something else which could cost me more in the long run hence do I just fill it up from time to time to the lower bit of the neck that way it should never run out even tho it shows 6500 mile range .
Nothing will be damaged if the AdBlue runs out, otherwise the folks that choose to have the function electronically removed would be having issues.

If the van is new to you is it possible that this has been done and the ECU is being told that there is single fixed value in the tank at all times to defeat the ignition disable?
Nothing will be damaged if the AdBlue runs out, otherwise the folks that choose to have the function electronically removed would be having issues.

If the van is new to you is it possible that this has been done and the ECU is being told that there is single fixed value in the tank at all times to defeat the ignition disable?
Is not disabling the Adblue illegal?
Probably yes, but many people choose to do it, especially as vehicles get older, as the emissions systems seem to be less robust than the core engine and the laws are not currently particularly enforced.

It's one to watch out for though buying second hand as the offence is committed by the owner, as well as the person who carries out the work.

From Modifying your vehicle’s emissions: the legal, safety and health implications

The law
Under the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations (Regulations 61(7) and 61A(3)) and the Road Traffic Act 1988 (Section 42) it is an offence to use on a road a vehicle which has been modified in such a way that it no longer complies with the air pollutant emissions standards it was designed to meet.

The potential penalties are £1,000 for a car and £2,500 for a van, lorry or bus.

Under the Road Traffic Act 1988 (Section 75) it is an offence to alter a vehicle in such a way that the use of the vehicle on a road would be unlawful. A person altering the vehicle (if they knew or believed that the vehicle would be used on the road) could be found guilty of an offence under the Act.

Potential penalties are unlimited fines.
Hi I have done 8k since filling beginning of last year but it does not move the range left in tank .
Only problem I have is if it’s not reading what’s in tank I will not know if it’s used all what’s in tank and possibly damage something else which could cost me more in the long run hence do I just fill it up from time to time to the lower bit of the neck that way it should never run out even tho it shows 6500 mile range .
Hmm, that’s odd and something not quite right. Is it definitely doing regens? Have you heard or smelt it doing one and the other symptoms of high idle and stop/start disabled?

A T6 will only do about 5500-6000 from a full adblue tank so if you’ve done 8000m and have some left that’s not right. Either it is disabled as mentioned by Roadtripper, isn’t working for some reason (odd the level has gone down though) or somehow you have the bigger tank. The larger tank (27L) came in a while into the T6.1 production but maybe it’s possible yours has been replaced with one for some reason (if that’s even possible??).

I’d recommend getting a Carista dongle and monitoring it for regens and DPF health. Any issues then you may want it investigated.
to be fair I would not know what a re gen would sound like and I’ve never smelt a thing which is out the normal as van seams to smell hot anyway as the fans always run after stopped and turned off.
Would vcds be able to check regens.
Ps it ticks over I thought low as it seams it could do with it lifting up so it’s not ditching but Vw said it was fine what it is set at. The start stop works ok I just tend to turn it off as it’s a pain in slow traffic .
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