AdBlue top-up issue (merge)

Hi. My van came out again just after Christmas with a bit of a garbled diagnosis that the dealer was a bit cagey about. They claim the 3rd glow plug was faulty & replaced it, but it's had glow plugs replaced in the past during similar issues so I not holding much hope. I asked the dealer for the notes relating to my vehicles repair and I was told that they're private to the VW dealer and the customer is not allowed to have a copy ... initially I had been told the diagnosis was outside of my warranty due to an electrical issue but then they changed their mind and back tracked. It was all a but suspicious to me.
VW Customer Care 'Executive' Office have failed to reply to me raising a formal complaint about not being notified of the Adblue Software update recall & compensation of 8 x AdBlue refills. This is their 'Executive' level of customer care.
My personal opinion (right or wrong ...) based on 6 years of experiencing similar AdBlue fault issues is that the initial AdBlue system of the 1st EU6 engines is poorly designed with inherent problems and that VW really don't know what's going on. So they wash their hands of it and try to wear you down. They have done something to the flow or counter on my vehicle this time because previously when the AdBlue system was topped up, I'd get about 4500 miles reading but now when topped up it is only 3000 miles, so they changed something else apart from glowplug number 3, that I was not informed about.
Separately myself, I has started using this Forte AdBlue Tank Exhaust Crystal Preventer - 150ml
as I am inclined to think the underlying problem is due to crystallisation of urea in the AdBlue system knackering it up. Got to be worth a go.
Also using Fortes other 2 products to clean the DPF and diesel system.

How are you getting on?
I have thought something like this is happening with my van, I recon when I bought it it wouldn't have even used the initial fill of adblue, then doing so little mileage while I have been doing the conversion could have left the remaining adblue to be allowed to start crystallising. I have tried a warm water fill and drain to try to remove any crusty bits but in the long run I think draining fully then only partly filling the tank with fresh adblue to ensure any in there gets used fairly quickly, and refill with a smaller amount of fresh adblue each time will keep the crystals at bay
I think you raise a good point Grim Reaper & my van use supports the hypothesis. I'm an intermittent user & there can regularly be periods where my van is not used & parked up for 1 - 2 weeks at a time. Its certainly not a regular daily use vehicle. And I think the process of crystallisation is supported by static conditions with minimal or no fluid movement. So vans that stand around for longer periods than regular / daily use vans, are possibly more prone to AdBlue fault / error code issues.
After one of the trips to the dealer for diagnosis, the service manager did mention there was a build up of crystals in my AdBlue system and suggested I didn't keep the tank cap off for any long periods (it's only off when being filled).
VW do seem sensitive to irregular van use & especially repeated short journeys, but they can't specify certain kinds of van use when looking to sell their vehicles.
Maybe fans or small pumps in the AdBlue tank would be the solution to pulse or counter static conditions & crystal formation in the tank, if the van is going to stand. Idealistically speaking.
Afternoon everyone
I’ve recently purchased a 2017 T6 102 Bhp CXGB
I’ve had a couple of t5s so new to the adblue world
Since owning it’s never showed how much adblue I’ve got left (see picture)
I've filled the adblue up, read the codes on my snap on scanner and no fault codes
Dpf soot is around 24 grams and has recently done a regeneration according to history
I’ve tried ignition on trick, long road test but still it’s just showing dash dash dash

Any ideas?

Has anyone seen or come across this before?

see picture bellow

It’s odd that the Ad-blue range is shown in Km rather than miles. What units does the fuel range show? I wonder if someone has been fiddling with the programming or if the ad-blue has been deleted. Is it using AB? If so, how do you know when to fill it up, does the light come on? Do you get a warning message on the MFD when it runs low?
It’s odd that the Ad-blue range is shown in Km rather than miles. What units does the fuel range show? I wonder if someone has been fiddling with the programming or if the ad-blue has been deleted. Is it using AB? If so, how do you know when to fill it up, does the light come on? Do you get a warning message on the MFD when it runs low?
Yeah I thought the same so went to change the units on settings in the MFD and they were all in miles and fuel range is also in miles.
I’ve only just got it so difficult to say if it uses adblue, I filled it back up approx 7 litres to take it to full (checked with a tiptie as I had no idea how much to put back in) 13 litres apparently so just put it in slowly and kept checking level manually
No warning lights or fault codes
Diagnostics show it regened approx 10miles ago so I presume all it well with the dpf.

I had hoped my scanner would give me more details on adblue system but unless it’s my scanner (snap on) I’m not sure.

Maybe vagcom would give me more info but I’ve not got one,
I’m going to monitor the dpf to see how many regens it does.

It’s a real strange one!
I had the 1200 mile warning ping on last week so, no prob there, but then on the way home tonight it suddenly came up with the "no start in 650 miles" which was odd cos I've only done about 170 miles since the first warning pinged on. Then, miraculously, about 10 mins later it pinged again, back to 1100 miles!
An OBD reader says the additive tank is at 26% but I doubt thats accurate; everything about the adblue tank seems to be wooly and innacurate!
You may well have overfilled it. If you now know it’s full, you’re good for at least 4k miles. So I’d leave it for a thousand miles or so & see if it sorts itself out.
Don't you just hate the way the plastic over the dials scratches so easily. Just cleaned mine with some ISO and a brand new micro fibre cloth and now looks like I've attacked it with a Brillo pad.
Hi. My van came out again just after Christmas with a bit of a garbled diagnosis that the dealer was a bit cagey about. They claim the 3rd glow plug was faulty & replaced it, but it's had glow plugs replaced in the past during similar issues so I not holding much hope. I asked the dealer for the notes relating to my vehicles repair and I was told that they're private to the VW dealer and the customer is not allowed to have a copy ... initially I had been told the diagnosis was outside of my warranty due to an electrical issue but then they changed their mind and back tracked. It was all a but suspicious to me.
VW Customer Care 'Executive' Office have failed to reply to me raising a formal complaint about not being notified of the Adblue Software update recall & compensation of 8 x AdBlue refills. This is their 'Executive' level of customer care.
My personal opinion (right or wrong ...) based on 6 years of experiencing similar AdBlue fault issues is that the initial AdBlue system of the 1st EU6 engines is poorly designed with inherent problems and that VW really don't know what's going on. So they wash their hands of it and try to wear you down. They have done something to the flow or counter on my vehicle this time because previously when the AdBlue system was topped up, I'd get about 4500 miles reading but now when topped up it is only 3000 miles, so they changed something else apart from glowplug number 3, that I was not informed about.
Separately myself, I has started using this Forte AdBlue Tank Exhaust Crystal Preventer - 150ml
as I am inclined to think the underlying problem is due to crystallisation of urea in the AdBlue system knackering it up. Got to be worth a go.
Also using Fortes other 2 products to clean the DPF and diesel system.

How are you getting on?
Hi BaggieJim, just wondering how you’re getting on with the crystal preventer? I just had a scare yesterday with a 600 mile warning on my T6 after a cold morning and a period where my van had not been used for a week. Starting to thing this could really help me to fix the root cause of random NOx sensor warnings too. I will be ordering and trying out the crystal preventer ASAP.
My van is in for a 2nd drain and reset in a few days, i had never realised it told you how much to put in! they never mentioned it 1st time (this is only its 2nd addblu refil) but i mean how hard can it be suerly its just like a fuel tank, when you top that up it just tels you how many miles till empty, if you brim it, it doesnt shut down. why is the level sensor in the add blu tank so crap?
Hi T6Hab.
Sorry for delay.
On Sat I had another Faulty AdBlue warning (only 2 months & 800 miles after previously coming back from dealer) dropping to 650 miles when there was 1800 miles worth when I set off on a 30 mile journey. Within 5 seconds, the flippio corrected itself but now my engine management light stays on. I put more AdBlue & Forte crystal preventer in when I got back home. Hasn't repeated yet, but Engine Management light stays on.
These are all typical & recurrent symptoms for me in the 6 years of owning my van since new. Repeated fob off by VW replacing glow plugs, nox sensor etc.

I'm convinced about the crystal theory. It makes perfect sense. I think residual crystals in the system are a seed for other crystal formation under the right conditions (low usage, standing around). So unless the system is never properly flushed out, decrystalised, reset, replace whatever, new fresh AdBlue fill up, it will be recurrent & crystals will eventually reform, giving all these erroneous warning lights because the system can't handle it.

I'm seriously considering finding an ECU guy who can just delete the AdBlue off the management system.
You can't plan any long journeys with confidence when in the back off your mind you know you can get a 650 mile limp mode warning even when the AdBlue system is full. In my personsl experience and opinion, VW & their Executive Customer Care team, have been abysmal. No VWs ever again for me in future just off this experience. A £40K van that is unfit & substandard for purpose.
Well, my pretty new van did this today.

5 hours from home with 3 dogs in the back & the M6 buggered up, so had the joy of driving cross-country.

Not happy.

Had adblue issues on the van before last, so know the drill...
Im intrigued by this thread regarding adblue as I drive a 68plate Vauxhall Movano for work. Had it since new and upto 61k, with adblue and haven't had issues that you guys are getting. Could be that it gets a thrashed daily on the motorway but it rarely goes more than 30 miles in any one go and limited to 68mph. Before that I had a Renault Traffic, no adblue but all town driving. Had about 5 regens thanks to RAC over 4 years. Vans just aren't made to plod around town trying to eek out 40mpg or to be sat on the pathway weeks on end. I suppose that's when the problems set in, or could just be VW are crap at adblue.
Our 1st van was our daily driver & I didn't use it to plod around town as I knew abour dpfs & egrs. It was always problematic.

This one has just been in in for 1st service with an engine update.
Hi all - apologies if this has already covered but I have searched and not found a definitive answer! We are booked on the ferry next Wednesday for a four week Italian tour. 2016 t6 150 dsg - filled adblu tank about 1000 miles ago, its currently showing 4000 mile range but no top up quantity yet. Was hoping to fill up before we depart so I could forget about it. Without a fill quantity showing on mfd, will it cause problems if I brim the tank?
Thanks in advance