I'm not sure if anyone can help with this but I'm trying to connect to my 2016 T6 Caravelle via ODIS-S and VAS 6154 dongle.
Everything seems fine in regards to connecting (device test works) and voltage is shown as well as ignition status.
Automatic identification of vehicle fails. If I enter VIN I can proceed but any access to read information on any installed component fails with this or a similar error.
Any advice appreciated. Failing that is there anyone in the Leicester/Market Harborough area with VCDS who could flash the Webasto heater firmware for me (I have the file)?

Everything seems fine in regards to connecting (device test works) and voltage is shown as well as ignition status.
Automatic identification of vehicle fails. If I enter VIN I can proceed but any access to read information on any installed component fails with this or a similar error.
Any advice appreciated. Failing that is there anyone in the Leicester/Market Harborough area with VCDS who could flash the Webasto heater firmware for me (I have the file)?