We use a steering wheel DiskLok, and a pedal lock when the vehicle is in a public place. Both take seconds to fit.
When it is at the storage yard or on our drive for any length of time, then we use a wheel clamp which is very visible.

Plenty of other more technical solutions used by owners here - try a search for "Ghost"

I had the ghost system fitted , expensive but peace of mind to me
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Wheel lock, and tracker which alerts me of any movement of even a door opening on the van, all I can afford at the moment,,, s3 was stolen from the house 3 years ago so I know the feeling , my keys were visible from my bedroom window. That’s no longer the case!
We have a ghost. Pain in the arse sometimes (when I forget about it and can't start the van) but well worth the small annoyance for peace of mind.

I am not sure about the pedal lock or a steering wheel lock. I was keen to get one of each (although we don't have a clutch) but then what if we are wild camping and we need to get away quickly??

My new shopping list contains a spare wheel lock.

Do you have to re-input the code sequence if, say, you were at the lights and the stop/start cut the engine off for a couple of minutes?
Thanks Loz.
Getting mine fitted on Friday. I'll be able to sleep peacefully after that.
What's the best device to get? a ghost or one of the tracker systems?

They're two entirely different entities but I went for the Ghost because I felt it was less hassle to not have the van stolen than it would be to try and track it down via a tracker if it was. The police don't seem to be too keen to recover stolen vehicles now so I've gone down the prevention route rather than the recovery one.

That's not to say I won't consider a tracker in the future. They do have their benefits.
My local service stealer thought they’d broken my van when my Ghost prevented them driving it out of the workshop!
Best money ever spent on the ghost , pease of mind when there’s a small fortune sat on the drive , you soon get used to the sequence after you have put it in wrong twice :-(
Bought it! Let’s hope it doesn’t get nicked before they are able to come and fit it, whenever that will be