I went for the navis mac's with the falken wildpeaks, I can't believe how good the ride is compared to my old 20inch wheels
I've come to realise after cruising around on "swampers" for few months, 20s are great if you're using the van once or twice a week for short journeys or a show. but if you use it for work, or drive most days, you just cant beat a 17 on a wildpeak.
I've come to realise after cruising around on "swampers" for few months, 20s are great if you're using the van once or twice a week for short journeys or a show. but if you use it for work, or drive most days, you just cant beat a 17 on a wildpeak.
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That's exactly what tipped the balance for me. I was equally drawn by the look of both higher profile 17's and low profile 20's but, ultimately it was not wanting to worry so much about kerbs and potholes that won the argument.
Same here - really love the look of 20s but couldn't face the negatives - having had a Golf with 19s and continual (and expensive) tyre issues mostly due to British roads, I wasn't about to do the same with the van. Almost two years on MAC-ATs with Cross Climates - super comfortable, durable, no stress with potholes. good wet road grip, low noise and decent MPG - I think they look great too!
I fitted mine yesterday - Fuel zephyrs - matt black - 8.5J BF Goodrich k02 225/65/17. Moved from Clayton 16” with 205/65/16 on.
Originally going with the 245’s after much reading on here and elsewhere I was a bit concerned. The issue for me would have been the distance between the inner rear arch moulding (see pic) with the 225’s on now - that distance is approx 1””.
The 245’s would have obviously been less and I wasn’t willing to take the risk. If my calculations are correct, it would have been close to touching that inner moulding at the closest point. I have bog standard suspension and obviously the conversion weight is making a difference to mine. I can’t comment on what others may be like, but for me, these are just the subtle faux swamper look I was after.

Regards to Speedo, I’m now about 1 mph over compared to sat nav, so 30 Speedo is 31 mph on sat nav. I can live with that!

After seeing what tyre pressure’s people are running on here I’ve just bumped all four to 45psi, I will have a play around with that as time go’s on. For now they seem fine.

The pro’s for me - bigger and better looking wheel and tyre combo than I had on.
I love the look of these
The grip should be better for camp fields etc (this I’ve not tested yet-but gotta be better than what I had)
There is a slight improvement over potholes and the likes.
They should last quite some time!

negs :
slightly heavier on the steering with these. Anything else time will tell.

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I fitted mine yesterday - Fuel zephyrs - matt black - 8.5J BF Goodrich k02 225/65/17. Moved from Clayton 16” with 205/65/16 on.
Originally going with the 245’s after much reading on here and elsewhere I was a bit concerned. The issue for me would have been the distance between the inner rear arch moulding (see pic) with the 225’s on now - that distance is approx 1””.
The 245’s would have obviously been less and I wasn’t willing to take the risk. If my calculations are correct, it would have been close to touching that inner moulding at the closest point. I have bog standard suspension and obviously the conversion weight is making a difference to mine. I can’t comment on what others may be like, but for me, these are just the subtle faux swamper look I was after.

Regards to Speedo, I’m now about 1 mph over compared to sat nav, so 30 Speedo is 31 mph on sat nav. I can live with that!

After seeing what tyre pressure’s people are running on here I’ve just bumped all four to 45psi, I will have a play around with that as time go’s on. For now they seem fine.

The pro’s for me - bigger and better looking wheel and tyre combo than I had on.
I love the look of these
The grip should be better for camp fields etc (this I’ve not tested yet-but gotta be better than what I had)
There is a slight improvement over potholes and the likes.
They should last quite some time!

negs :
slightly heavier on the steering with these. Anything else time will tell.

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Apologies for resurrecting - did you lower in the end?
Standard size on my T32 were 16in (smaller brakes) but now running 17" Navis MAC ATs on Michelin CC SUV that are also 235/65/17 have worked great for the last 18 months. Van is lowered on ST-X coilovers as low as they can go without rubbing or interference.
Do you have any pics of the CCs at the lowest setting on the STX? Thank you.
No probs, I am not 100% certain it’s the lowest setting on the coilover kit though, it’s just the lowest we could comfortably have the ST-X set with enough clearance to avoid any rubbing with this wheel/tyre set. Works great, with no issues.

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That looks brilliant - thank you. I have the same coil overs and am thinking about upsizing to 225 65 17.
My centre of wheel to wheel arch measurement is 390mm - I’d be interested to know what yours is set at - it looks perfect
That looks brilliant - thank you. I have the same coil overs and am thinking about upsizing to 225 65 17.
My centre of wheel to wheel arch measurement is 390mm - I’d be interested to know what yours is set at - it looks perf
That looks brilliant - thank you. I have the same coil overs and am thinking about upsizing to 225 65 17.
My centre of wheel to wheel arch measurement is 390mm - I’d be interested to know what yours is set at - it looks perfect
That looks brilliant - thank you. I have the same coil overs and am thinking about upsizing to 225 65 17.
My centre of wheel to wheel arch measurement is 390mm - I’d be interested to know what yours is set at - it looks perfect
Van is at the garage at the moment for an undiagnosed issue once sorted I’ll measure for you. 225 should close the arch gap a bit more vs rhe 235s I have and also lesson the difference on the speedo.
I will need to read this thread in its entirety! It is interesting for me to see opinions about their off road tyres and set up! I like reading about tyres that I am familiar with and those that I am not. I am curious about the Wildpeak. I am on BFG 255/55R18 AT KO2 and looking forward to the KO3 when my sizes become available. I am I correct in thinking that Wild Peak 3 is being superseded by Wildpeak 4 ?

I do watch and read tyre reviews but often wonder if they a loaded by the way questions are set up and answered and then weighted towards the testers own thinking.

If people are using tyres that are far more robust or larger than standard it pays dividends to check on one of the Tyre or should I say Tire calculators to check what the new on road pressures aught to be! Often people fitting larger tougher tyres are driving around with pressures that are far to high for their new tyres. This affects on road handling, comfort and overall safety. I am sure some do, but many do not realise. Also because I literally live off road and have a great deal of off road experience and can say that in some circumstances it pays to air the tyres for the particular environment off road. Sealed tracks might be more comfortable a few pounds down but wet fields might be traversed at about half road pressure so 15-20 psi for example depend on tyre and just how wet or muddy and so on. Even road tyres will provide greater traction aired down.
Occasionally here where I live I air down to 6psi, not just for outright grip but to protect the land surface and not create tram lines or generality not plough up the field. Of course pressures such as 6psi can take the tyre bead away from the rim and end with a rapid deflation and is not a good idea. However if one becomes stuck at for instance a camp or other wise off road or perhaps when towing in a field, then dropping down very low may get you out so long as speed is kept down and turns are negotiated slowly and carefully but 15psi will usual safices for many situations sand and mud. Please remember to air back up for the road, legality and safety.

If airing down and up frequently. Then a more powerful pump will speeds things up. It also takes away some of the tedium. As do rapid tyre deflators! The latter, for those who might not know, can be set at a desired pressure setting. Just put on, set let them do the work, take them off, put back on the valve cap keep out the muck.

Of course you all know al of that but someone here might not. Sorry if it seems like preachung to the already initiated.;)
A valid and useful point regarding pressures. Not many people realised that the Wildpeak 3 has a maximum pressure of 40 psi written on the side wall either...
In the past year I have taken up motorcycle Trial riding. Typical pressures are 6/4 PSI front/rear. When it's particularly wet people will go even less and as the rears are tubeless, it's not uncommon to pop the tyre off the rim!!
Does anyone have direct experience of Yokohama Geolandar CV 4S G061?

Note I'm not looking at the full AT G015, think the G061 are relatively new version for both road and offroad use - they seem like a good compromise, as I'll be driving on roads +80% of the time.
Even after all the reading on here with comments from users of both Wildpeaks and Cross Climates, I still can't decide what to get for my next tyres!
Wildpeaks are awesome - if you want a bit more of a burley, beefy look go for them. More std road tyre, cross climates!
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I'm actually not too bothered about the looks more performance. Most of my van driving is long road trips in Europe (2 - 3K miles over 4 - 6 weeks) mainly on motorways but sometimes on minor roads and rough, sometimes wet campsite tracks when the Contivan things just don't instill any confidence. Common sense says Cross Climate (which I've got on another car and like) but if the Wildpeaks also the the job (and are a fair bit cheaper) why not.......
I'm actually not too bothered about the looks more performance. Most of my van driving is long road trips in Europe (2 - 3K miles over 4 - 6 weeks) mainly on motorways but sometimes on minor roads and rough, sometimes wet campsite tracks when the Contivan things just don't instill any confidence. Common sense says Cross Climate (which I've got on another car and like) but if the Wildpeaks also the the job (and are a fair bit cheaper) why not.......
What's the tread depth on the cross climates? You might get more miles out the Wildpeak too.

I haven't used mine on wet/muddy grass etc but over 2500 miles in Europe in 27 degree twisty roads and torrential rain, they performed flawlessly.
Hey guys, I have just ordered a set of tuff torque 17 inch x 8 steel wheels for my t6.1 .

I’m going to order some wild peaks to gon on them and it looks like the norm is 235/65/17.

I just saw they do them also in 225/65/17 as well, would these run ok with those wheels? I just thought they might run the speed more accurately and a bit less drag while driving too? I’m probably completely wrong but they also seem cheaper too……
I have now used my AT3s in real muddy, low grip situations and icy B roads. They have worked exceptionally well everywhere. I still recommend them if you need a gentle AT tyre.