thanks @Dellmassive
Ghost is mint !
My local VW Tec spent two hours with all his gadgets and my keys trying start it before he called me and asked if i had put anything on it.
I purposefully forgot to tell them, but of a test !
He was angry with me after but in the end agreed was a good test !
I think the service guys that test drive the van after a service will go over the 30mph trigger....?I accidently put mine in service mode messing about and it got me thinking about the actual instructions to give to the dealer?
Is it no more than 30mph as many starts as they want? or no more that 30mph for 5 mins.. just the once .. cant remember.
Are there any down sides or known problems
Wonder if that is because they know their so called master mechanics can’t/ won’t keep the test drive below 30mph.I told VW Hereford about the valet mode and they refused to take it on a road test. They also refuse to do what is asked of them so I now use Listers droitwich who have been worth the 1hr drive or more than 1 occasion.
Got both on ours. Ghost and CAN bus up-rated alarm.Has anyone put an alarm in as well as the ghost? I've started the conversation with them online but am now wondering if an alarm might be useful?
I presume the alarm would need a camper mode for when you're snoozing in the back... Could be a rude awakening and mad scramble for the keys.
you can do either.Thanks @Dellmassive , I've got a cat 6 tracker in already so wondering how an alarm with imobilliser would interfere with the ghost imobilliser... Or do you just let ghost manage the start up and have the alarm for the sc_m bags who try to nick stuff out the back?