Please post a fresh
(1) VCDS Auto-Scan​
(2) BCM adaptation map​
(3) BCM blockmap - when tailgate open (open/open)​
(4) BCM blockmap - when tailgate ajar (open/closed)​
(5) BCM blockmap - when tailgate fully closed (closed/closed)​

Just to clarify - the measurement group 008-4 doesn't respond either?

View attachment 276795

Just to clarify - it works in other door positions?

Perhaps you are experiencing that T6 relocks the doors if none were opened within 30 seconds.
Hi, thank you so much for your input. Sorry I have only been using vcds for a short while. I know how to do full scan and export the text file. But I am not sure how to produce the BCM adaptation map is that just a screen print same as 3,4,5 you asked for Ie screen shot of the output blocks ?

Hours 008 4. Yes it does respond and turns to active when you press the handle.

The 30 seconds auto lock. I am not sure as it doesn’t take me 30 seconds to get to the rear and try to open its much shorter interval. And when I press the soft soft switch in the handle of the tailgate it then flashes indicators and locks the van. I can only get it to operate by unlocking The van via remote then open the tail gate right away.

It does not work in other door positions. The screen shot of the measuring blocks that I enclosed is the only way I can get it to open or function at all. It will not work closed closed for example in thr messaging blocks
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how to produce the BCM adaptation map

(2) BCM adaptation map
(3) BCM blockmap - when tailgate open (open/open)
(4) BCM blockmap - when tailgate ajar (open/closed)
(5) BCM blockmap - when tailgate fully closed (closed/closed)

IGNition OFF

VCDS > Applications > Controller Channel Map >


Tick/fill boxes as above and click Go.

VCDS flashes screens for a moment (when finished hit "Done, Go Back") and there should be files blockmap-09-... and adpmap-09... in folder C:\Ross-Tech\VCDS\Logs\....

Please attach all the blockmap-09... and adpmap-09... files
(2) BCM adaptation map
(3) BCM blockmap - when tailgate open (open/open)
(4) BCM blockmap - when tailgate ajar (open/closed)
(5) BCM blockmap - when tailgate fully closed (closed/closed)

IGNition OFF

VCDS > Applications > Controller Channel Map >


Tick/fill boxes as above and click Go.

VCDS flashes screens for a moment (when finished hit "Done, Go Back") and there should be files blockmap-09-... and adpmap-09... in folder C:\Ross-Tech\VCDS\Logs\....

Please attach all the blockmap-09... and adpmap-09... files
Hi, ok thanks for the instructions.
Do I run this and create a csv file for each state ?
For steps 3,4,5 blockmap

So I should end up with 3 csv files ?
Ok so I ran the tests today and labelled them. I did make adaptations map for each and I am assuming that’s because I coped your image exactly for each and maybe didn’t need to have adaption ticked for each. Any way I have attached all the files and labelled them so you know which is which in what state. The full scan of the vehicle was done as I have it configured now. With the open close state. When I came To the van the remote central looking worked. Whilst carrying out the test I then lost this function but it then came back on. It does this sometimes or most time when for example everything seems fine. I drive somewhere and then the central locking stops working. I may start working again next time it goes out or not. You will also probably see in the scan that it finds a fault with then tail gate lid status when I force it to be open closed not closed closed. But as mentioned before closed closed means it just doesn’t respond at all (tail gate switch)


  • fullscanwithopenclose82820km-51461mi.txt
    7.1 KB · Views: 1
  • blockmap4openclosed-09-7E0-937-090-B-20250304-1618.CSV
    3.7 KB · Views: 1
  • adpmap5closedclosed-09-7E0-937-090-B-20250304-1611.CSV
    8.9 KB · Views: 1
  • blockmap3openopen-09-7E0-937-090-B-20250304-1640.CSV
    3.7 KB · Views: 1
  • blockmap5closedclosed-09-7E0-937-090-B-20250304-1611.CSV
    3.7 KB · Views: 1
  • adpmap3openopen-09-7E0-937-090-B-20250304-1641.CSV
    8.9 KB · Views: 1
  • adpmap4openclosed-09-7E0-937-090-B-20250304-1619.CSV
    8.9 KB · Views: 1
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Hi all can anyone confirm if there is a gasket between the tailgate hinges and the outside body of the van when fitting the tailgate ?
On the diagrams I have seen there doesn’t look like there is a gasket on the outside only on the inside…I bought the genuine gasket and reinforcing plate for the inside.
I also fitted a gasket on the outside between hinge and body for belt and braces but notice I am getting water creeping in around that area.. I have torqued it properly so it’s nice and tight, and the gasket material I used was genuine Vw gasket sheet from a t4 tailgate swap I did previously.
I removed the hinge from actual tailgate and it doesn’t have a gasket between it and the hinge from the factory…so maybe it doesn’t have one on the outside can anyone confirm if there should be a gasket on the outside please ? Ta
Hi there, from memory it is only on the inside as you say. Nothing stopping you putting one on the outside or a bit of gasket sealant. I put gaskets on both sides just as a double measure. I used the green klinger material
Any way I have attached all the files and labelled them so you know which is which in what state.
It seems that something unexpected(*) - to me - was done between the blockmaps. Apologies for not describing the procedure well enough.
Could you please redo the blockmaps exactly as below (just blockmaps, no need to do the adaptations again).
  1. Lock the van
  2. Wait at least 5 minutes
  3. Unlock the van
  4. Open driver's door (keep it open till everything is done)
  5. Connect VCDS cable into OBD port, launch VCDS, navigate to "Controller channel map", prepare the blockmap setup.
  6. Capture the blockmaps as:
  7. BCM blockmap - tailgate open (open/open)
  8. BCM blockmap - tailgate ajar (open/closed)
  9. BCM blockmap - tailgate fully closed (closed/closed)
(*) Trying if we can see something being different when the tailgate switch works and not. The current blockmaps suggested that ignition key was in key barrel, and at some point removed, as well as different doors were open between the maps, or the BCM did made up those states.

Well, at the time of the blockmaps fairly low battery voltage (11.7 V) and thus the BCM was in energy saving mode. This mode is pretty much uncharted territory - some functionalities definitely are disabled (the remote receiver springs to mind???). Any chance to have battery charged?

About adaptations:

Do you know why channel 51 has been set to value "3".
Normally the value is "0", never seen anything else. And no, I don't know what the channel controls.

Just a note - also channel 55 has been altered from factory settings. Supposedly it controls bulb diagnostics so shouldn't affect...
You will also probably see in the scan that it finds a fault with then tail gate lid status when I force it to be open closed not closed closed.
I'm not sure I understand the "force it to be open"?
1 Fault Found:
00329 - Control Circuit for Unlocking Rear Lid
            011 - Open Circuit - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00101011
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 2
                    Reset counter: 78
                    Mileage: 82825 km
Also, I would investigate why and exactly under what conditions the BCM reports the open circuit.

Hours 008 4. Yes it does respond and turns to active when you press the handle.
Just to confirm - the VCDS measurement group 008-4 does report pressing the opening switch/handle also in closed-closed position??
I'm not sure I understand the "force it to be open"?
1 Fault Found:
00329 - Control Circuit for Unlocking Rear Lid
            011 - Open Circuit - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00101011
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 2
                    Reset counter: 78
                    Mileage: 82825 km
Also, I would investigate why and exactly under what conditions the BCM reports the open circuit.

Just to confirm - the VCDS measurement group 008-4 does report pressing the opening switch/handle also in closed-closed position??
Hi, ok this is what I did today. The files you requested are attached. I also followed your suggested procedure to the T. Before I carried out the tests this is what I did so you know the situation. I felt I needed to do this and also explain behaviour prior to carrying out the tests. Just so you have all the information.

Firstly, a few days ago I charged the battery up on a trickle charger for several hours as I had a low voltage warning on the radio / infotainment system. Also as you pointed out the van whilst carrying out the tests the bcm was in a sleep mode or whatever mode as current was low. Anyway I charged the battery up and drive 30 miles. Stopped at the destination and the remote central locking worked fine no problems. I then a few hours later drive back 30 miles. Stop the van get out ready to lock it and the remote central locking isn’t working again. The alternator is functioning fine and the battery wasn’t low at the time as it had been charged up the previous day. This is a typical example of the annoyance. It will happen randomly. You can drive the van around for a few trips and it may just start to work again. It’s very strange.

So before the tests today I did the following. I first just plugged then vcds system in. I just ran a scan. I did this because this sometimes wakes up the bcm or does something that restores the remote central locking without the need of having to start the van. I just wanted to mention this to you. I do also in the back of my mind think the battery perhaps is possibly an issue. But to reiterate what I wrote early, I had fully charged battery and yet still after driving 30 miles the remote central locking stopped working. So for the purpose of the tests wanted to make sure I carried out the tests with it working. The remote central locking is still working and will do so until I take the van out again in the following days. It will then prosbly magically stop working again.

So with the remote central locking working. Unplugged the vcds, locked the van and left it for at least 30 mins.

I then with only the drivers door open and the key in my hand not the ignition carried out the block maps with the 3 different states of the boot lid. After the tests were complete I then unplugged the vcds locked the van and left it since. The key was not put in the ignition at any point.

To answer your question about the measuring blocks. I carried out a few tests today with help so I could monitor the measuring block.

measuring block 008 1,4 states change when the handle is pressed in only the OPEN OPEN state of 2,3. 1, changes from not oper to closed and 4, changes from not oper to active when handle is pressed and this will also activate the solenoid in the tailgate. The same happens when the state is OPEN CLOSED in 2,3. But when the stays is CLOSED CLOSED in 2,3 1,4 states don’t change and nothing happens at all in regards to the solenoid.

You mention seeing on the block maps channel 51 and 53 having values you’ve not seen before. I know you mention you don’t know what they are for. I don’t either , nor do I know how or why they may have changed. I can try to change them back to default if you know what it should be but more importantly how do I change them ?


  • blockmapCLOSEDCLOSED-09-7E0-937-090-B-20250308-1722.CSV
    3.7 KB · Views: 1
  • blockmapOPENCLOSED-09-7E0-937-090-B-20250308-1712.CSV
    3.7 KB · Views: 1
  • blockmapOPENOPEN-09-7E0-937-090-B-20250308-1719.CSV
    3.7 KB · Views: 1
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But when the stays is CLOSED CLOSED in 2,3 1,4 states don’t change and nothing happens at all in regards to the solenoid.
So nothing happened in the boxed value (Group 008 value 4)


measuring block 008 1,4 states change when the handle is pressed in only the OPEN OPEN state of 2,3. 1, changes from not oper to closed and 4, changes from not oper to active when handle is pressed and this will also activate the solenoid in the tailgate
Just to clarify - do you mean that when tailgate status is "OPEN OPEN" the value
in green box ALSO changed from "not oper" to "closed" ???​
in red box - from "not oper" to "active" ???​

Asking because in my notes the green box value indicates driver door lock cylinder status!

Could you please see what happens when you turn driver's door lock cylinder with key - both left and right? Again no key in ignition lock.

You mention seeing on the block maps channel 51 and 53 having values you’ve not seen before. I know you mention you don’t know what they are for. I don’t either , nor do I know how or why they may have changed. I can try to change them back to default if you know what it should be but more importantly how do I change them ?

From factory the values are:
Channel 51 = 0
Channel 55 = 0

VCDS > Select > 09-Cent. Elect. > Adaptation

Enter "51" into "Channel", click on "Read"​
Enter "0" into "New value"​
Click on "Test"​
Click on "Save"​
Enter "55" into "Channel", click on "Read"​
Enter "0" into "New value"​
Click on "Test"​
Click on "Save"​
Click on "Done, Go Back"​

So nothing happened in the boxed value (Group 008 value 4)

View attachment 278153

Hi, yes that is correct.

Just to clarify - do you mean that when tailgate status is "OPEN OPEN" the value
in green box ALSO changed from "not oper" to "closed" ???​
Yes that is correct. I will also check this again when I carry out further tests as you mention below.
in red box - from "not oper" to "active" ???​
View attachment 278156

Asking because in my notes the green box value indicates driver door lock cylinder status!

Could you please see what happens when you turn driver's door lock cylinder with key - both left and right? Again no key in ignition lock.

I will do this tomorrow and let you know how it goes

From factory the values are:
Channel 51 = 0
Channel 55 = 0

VCDS > Select > 09-Cent. Elect. > Adaptation

Enter "51" into "Channel", click on "Read"​
Enter "0" into "New value"​
Click on "Test"​
Click on "Save"​
Enter "55" into "Channel", click on "Read"​
Enter "0" into "New value"​
Click on "Test"​
Click on "Save"​
Click on "Done, Go Back"​

View attachment 278160
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