Battery dead after working in the van

Out of interest, where should you clamp the charger then? When I jump started yesterday, I did just that

a quick jump-start to get a van with a "flat battery" running is fine "direct across the battery" - and what i do. (as there is no quantifiable amount of energy transferred in respect of the battery's SOC - so the SOC will effectively remain the same) (SOC - State Of Charge)

but any other long term charge or discharge items should use a separate body - ground.

so EHU chargers, solar, etc etc - body - ground

and all fed power devices, DC-DC, Lights, Fridges, radios, GPS, Satnav, dashcam etc etc etc - body - ground

this is so the sensor on the battery NEG post can monitor all power in/out of the battery to determine its SOC

more on that here:

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Right..... I’ve replaced the battery and coded the change in serial number and the type to ‘AGM’ using OBDeleven. Can someone please tell me exactly how to change the voltahe capacity to the new battery? I have the newer type OBDeleven reader which has a different format and im using it via Apple iOS (not android).

Thanks again, hugely useful forum!
Right..... I’ve replaced the battery and coded the change in serial number and the type to ‘AGM’ using OBDeleven. Can someone please tell me exactly how to change the voltahe capacity to the new battery? I have the newer type OBDeleven reader which has a different format and im using it via Apple iOS (not android).

Thanks again, hugely useful forum!

read through this thread, it may have pointers?:

@mmi - any input regards to OBD11?

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Hi, thanks. I’ve read through all that already. I can’t find a way of changing the new battery voltage capacity using the iOS system.

I’ve done below successfully but as I say, cannot see how to adjust voltage. Is this necessary?




voltage ? - no they are all 12v

just capacity 95Ah, and type - AGM
i havent got OBD11 . . . (I've got Carista and VCDS)

is this any help:


Sadly not, the newer OBDeleven iOS has a different format. All seems fine with the van after battery change other than start/ stop not functioning
OBDeleven - IOS coding is shown as "In Development"

so not sure - have you got access to Android phone or tablet?




Somewhere I think, my daughter has a tablet, I’ll dig it out. Yeah, I can follow channel ‘4’ for battery but I can only change the serial number and type.
I've just purchased OBDeleven so i can start testing it,

but im Android . . . . so not that much help re IOS.
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Ok, plugged in. When I select Gateway (19) and then Adaptation I don’t get a full drop down list. It still asks me for a Channel. If I enter channel 4 it says not available



Effectively I can work out how to access the battery in a similar way to how I did it using iOS, this will allow me to change battery type and serial number but not change capacity details