No hehe he spent extra on extended warranty.Nice one. Did you get a discount?
Youngest is 19 on the right. The dealer on the left thought we were mates and that youngest was about 30!!Is that the youngest or the other guy that wanted to view it ?
If its your youngest then he can grow a better beard than me at waayy more than double his age.
I hope he's a happy bunny.
I've had 3 XC70s our first (P2 era) is still going and is just about to break 250K if it passes the MOT next week. The other 2 (one P2 and one P3) bought as the "nicer" car to eventually replace it were not as good - the P2 had not been looked after and was a dog the P3 was great but lockdown happened and then we swapped it for the Caravelle.If it reassures you, we are on our 6th Volvo currently, apart from routine servicing we've never had any repairs required, nothing!
(one I bought at 100K and sold at 200K miles!)
Of course, that's just my experience, maybe we've been lucky, others may vary!