Camper-Vanners: What do you keep in your van?


T6 Pro
So picked up our newly converted van- so pleased to get it back this week. We are so happy, it’s completely transformed. We are hoping to go away next weekend for a night or two.
As we have never had a camper we are unsure what to do about keeping equipment in the van. What, if anything do you keep in the van so it’s ready to go away, and what do you unpack and repack each time? Is it best to empty out all the cupboards or is it easier to keep stuff in them so it’s less faff to go away?
Other than food that will go off we leave everything in the camper.
its also the best way not to forget anything although we do find the coffee in the glass jars does go solid!
Other than food that will go off we leave everything in the camper.
its also the best way not to forget anything although we do find the coffee in the glass jars does go solid!
That’s good to hear and the sort of response I was hoping for. Do you line the drawers/ cupboards to reduce rattling or find it’s not too bad? Sorry we’ve always had tents so this is so new and very exciting !
Oh you will soon find weird and wonderful ways to stop all the rattles such as a tea towel under the cooker glass top, tissue inbetween the cups etc. All our shelves have the mesh plastic non slip sheets cut down from the rolls you buy for pennies to stop your house rugs sliding around.
it will still rattle like mad when you first set off but somehow it all seems to settle down after a few miles and half the fun is inventing new ways to stop a rattle.
just enjoy yourselves it’s all part of the game.
Other than food that will go off we leave everything in the camper.
its also the best way not to forget anything although we do find the coffee in the glass jars does go solid!

This is what we do.

However...being a day van all our kit is pre-packed in really useful boxes....and our food and drink is packed on the day...any food unused eaten at home ...
Permanently in my camper is an R/C model plane, a Ukulele, small TV with films on USB sticks, folding chairs, a full change of clothes with an outdoor jacket, walking boots, several packs of extra-strong mints, all my bedding, ridge-monkey, copper kettle, crockery etc, plenty of tinned grub, couple of rat-packs, rostis, big soups, pasta, cleaning stuff, dustpan & brush, USB charge leads, mini binoculars, Fiamma pegs & mallet, portaloo, groundsheet, windscreen cover, a realistic first aid kit, £10 gas-can hob with a spare can, rechargeable torch, multimeter, pouch with vehicle manuals & documents, 30m of climbing rope, tube of superglue, roll of gaffa tape, pet-wipes, EHU lead, mains checker, a few Campervan magazines, a book... sounds a lot but it all packs away easily and stays in the van.
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