I have had a whole range of emotions since this started.
It began with fear and paranoia. My work means that there is always a risk to others. So, I have basically been isolating since it all kicked off. Work and house, that's it. PPE on at all times at work to protect people (in case I have it).
I would love people to just be honest and say that they have no idea what is going on. The bug is constantly changing. You will definitely have a temperature... well, maybe not. You will definitely have a cough... well, maybe not. You can only get it once... well, maybe not. Just admit that we don't know. It is an unprecidented situation!! We are allowed to not have the answers straight away.
Fear is still present... scared I give it to my family, people at work, just random people in the street.
Anger and frustration has crept in a lot. Difficult to discuss due to rules but basically... people being paid to be in charge should have a clue what they are doing.
We are getting told what to do by people who have never been in our workplace and some have never done the job we do.
I really wish that they would just leave areas to their own strategies. Our strategy is working so leave us the f**k alone.
Sorry, rant over. Bloody hell, I need to go camping.