Cubby hole ideas

Yes ! Relay ugly & useless piece of-plastic C--p, Brought a caravelle unit to replace it ! didn't realize there would be so much difference to all the electrical connections/alarm inside the new unit, so unable to fit at the moment (poor design)
unless your a wizard with electrics 1
I have a suicidal Batman on mine

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Love it!! Just picked ours up yesterday and wondered what the rectangular blanking piece underneath the cubby is hiding or what vw option is fitted in its place?
Think the cubby will be wallet or phone storage. So many odd small cubbys in the dash and don't understand the tiny opening glovebox that won't even fit the manual in!! The whole dash will require creative thinking to maximise useage of storage.
I keep one of those little plastic storage box's (minus the lid cos then it wouldn't fit!) in mine for loose change and a wallet with some emergency funds. I couldn't believe what an ergonomic slum the dash is......I've never owned a vehicle with nowhere on the dash big enough to store the service book/owners manuals FFS! I love my van.....but, VW really didn't think about the (standard) dash......frankly, it's sh*t! This winter, I'm planning on making myself some more storage box's to match the one I put between the front seats.
As a few people have said before, it keeps my interior nice and tidy and free from clutter as there is nowhere to store anything. I hide my cigarettes in the overhead hole from my wife, not really a smoker anymore but like the odd one or two.
I use it for putting the key in and my glasses and phone when sleeping in it of course. I think it's handy!
The sales rep told me when I bought my van it's where they put the tachograph systems if you have one fitted.
California's have a different roof console to us mere mortals (so do caravelles)