Ecoflow Alternator Charger 800W

Can you show a picture of how you earthed it please, as I presume like most of the ecoflow videos it not a good idea to use the negative battery terminal to fix the earth cable (black) once routed?
Routed from inside the van via the top of the passenger wheel arch breach in the fire wall. It comes out to the rear of the battery compartment. Red to battery, black to the head light bracket with a little scraping to ensure a good earth. Inside I routed the cable under the dash behind the glove box, the under the plastic centre console into the cable channel between the seats. 90 degree turn at the rear of the drivers seat and depending on where you want to mount it that’s pretty much as far as I took it.
Can you show a picture of how you earthed it please, as I presume like most of the ecoflow videos it not a good idea to use the negative battery terminal to fix the earth cable (black) once routed?
Never attach anything to the negative battery terminal. It will bypass the shunt and the van will not see the discharge so it will not recharge it. It's a surefire way to give yourself endless electrical issues and killing the starter battery.
Never attach anything to the negative battery terminal. It will bypass the shunt and the van will not see the discharge so it will not recharge it. It's a surefire way to give yourself endless electrical issues and killing the starter battery.
I never knew this, thanks for the heads up!

I'm surprised there's not a good negative point near the battery that won't bypass the shunt.
I never knew this, thanks for the heads up!

I'm surprised there's not a good negative point near the battery that won't bypass the shunt.
Like wise! Mine is attached to Batt Neg, will go and change it today.

Is there a good chassis ground in the battery compartment on a T6?
Can you show a picture of how you earthed it please, as I presume like most of the ecoflow videos it not a good idea to use the negative battery terminal to fix the earth cable (black) once routed?
Excellent thanks, that's fine connected now and working fine
This may be a 'too long, didn't read' post as is my way

Indecisive and annoying member advice please - Just starting out with my van to camper conversion and have it in mind (long term) to get a leisure battery system wired in.

For the short term I need to decide on a removable powered setup

- low budget from a bluetti EB3A - apparently a bit noisy and only one badly orientated plug socket - £160 on eBay with discount code
- top of my budget an ecoflow delta 2 - bells and whistles - £900 new or reduced £610 on amazon with damaged packaging

To start with it's literally to run a CPAP machine (google say the average power draw is 53 watts with a max draw of 104 watts.) and charge phones for one/two night stopovers so I think a bluetti would possibly work with driving charge up between sleeps but I know as things grow and trips get longer it will not do so well, where an ecoflow would be more appropriate long term especially for when I get a solar panel and wired electrics system.

We will be making occasional 1 night/2 night trips for the time being so yeah, do I buy a cheap bluetti or splurge on an ecoflow?
Should I get a bluetti for now and then when required buy an EF and sell the bluetti on?
Should I use the budget to just get a cheap leisure battery?
There is a battery that can power my CPAP but it's about £500...
- low budget from a bluetti EB3A - apparently a bit noisy and only one badly orientated plug socket - £160 on eBay with discount code
I have that model (it may be my review you read about the annoying plug) and it's not bad as a "handy to have around" thing for the days I use the Caravelle as an office.

They're not really noisy unless they are under heavy load (charge/discharge) and the fan is on.

Can your CPAP run directly from 12v or would it need the inverter on? Reason I ask is that model has quite a high idle loss, especially with the inverter on, so it's not ideal for long running lower power loads.

But if you can find one at a decent discount it's a nice rounded all in one with a useful enough runtime to try and see if the approach would work for you. If it doesn't you'll find a use for it as backup in a power cut or a big battery to recharge phones from. It also pairs very will with a 100w portable solar panel.