It seems that there is an update available:

It should cure both P204F and P20EE issues.
Worth noting that VCDS has two different modes to scan the faults.

The trick is that VW tester ODIS uses "non-aggressive" mode which e.g. doesn't show your P204F fault (no freeze frame data any more). Also the current P20EE will be beyond their reach after approx. 300 km's - the ECU makes it fade away but fortunately keeps updating the frequency counter.

It should cure both P204F and P20EE issues.
The long term solution would be to get the ECU updated. It's a bit difficult to predict if/when it will reappear. I recorded on mine 26 occurrences of the P20EE but it never crossed the threshold to turn on emission warning light.As the light went out of its own accord would you leave doing anything and see if it re appears? I didn't clear the fault code.
Worth noting that VCDS has two different modes to scan the faults.

The trick is that VW tester ODIS uses "non-aggressive" mode which e.g. doesn't show your P204F fault (no freeze frame data any more). Also the current P20EE will be beyond their reach after approx. 300 km's - the ECU makes it fade away but fortunately keeps updating the frequency counter.