It's been a couple of weeks since I fitted my suspension, so took it in to Bognor Motors for a health check and alignment. Well it was a good job I did!
Did I mention what a pita the rears were to get level and sort out on my own in my garage swapping from one side to the other? Well, it turns out I have not aligned the lower rubbers quite right, so they are likely shot now. They didn't have any more in stock. so booked back in for a week Tuesday.
They were also not happy with my solution with the front brake hoses and wear sensors as they need swapping around cos the kit is designed for the T30 and below rather than the T32.
I could have taken it to someone more local who would just have aligned it and sent me on my way non-the-wiser.
But this is why I take it to someone who knows what they are doing better than I do.
Well worth the trip today, even if it's not resolved yet.
The ride is still superb though. After modding the inner arch I've not had anymore scuffs and not raised it.
I'll take a proper side on photo once the issues I created are resolved....