I thought it would be interesting to see peoples opinions on how this planet will look once we are in a position to claim the current Corona-Virus (Covid-19) is behind us. These types of threads can be really interesting to read through in the years to come, just to see how accurate our predictions were as the general public and not scientists, leaders or fact distorting journalists, just real people.
For me, i've spent weeks, and now coming up to months glued to the news channels and websites, which might not be the best thing to do during a crisis, but that's me. There has been big chatter about how we come out of this predicament, and I guess no one will know exactly until after, so every hypothesis we read or debate is exactly that for the time being.
One thing i've learnt is not to take anything for granted. Things we never thought would be implicated in a modern world are now just a daily reality. Who'd of thought that a developed country like Britain would have it's liberty removed pretty much over night, and the vast majority of the county to respect that, and uphold these new rules, even embrace them as the current new order. But, where next?
Are we looking at the new future, or will everything just slot back to how it was? Is it realistic to imagine that this will be the whack in the ass the world needed to finally take things far more seriously, or is that just the current thought simply because it physically feels, and visually looks better to all of us. It's been said that the sky has never been this Blue and the air hasn't been this clean for decades, shown that the oceans have never been this calm in the modern world, albeit with an underlying hue of what we've done. Does wildlife look far more prevalent, or is it just because we didn't have the time to notice it before.
All amazing side effects of the current order, but my thought is it will just drop back to how it was sadly. I don't think it's realistic to think all of this can be sustainable, and I hate to admit that. We are not yet in a position to scrap all the smoke bellowing old busses, cars and vans on the roads and swap to far cleaner vehicles. Judging by how glitchy and slow connections have been on almost all the interviews i've watched on the BBC news that are done remotely, our broadband isn't ready for a mass switch to working from home. Reading how desperate consumers are to get to any shop that is aloud to open, even if that means potentially risking their lives in some circumstances, we are not in a position to side step a certain counties cheap plastic crap and start to produce things ourselves.
I could be wrong of course. We might of learnt hard lessons. Governments might be far more prepared next time, and there will be a next time. People might even be more considerate of each other. Only time will tell and all this is just hypothesizing, but an interesting topic.
For me, i've spent weeks, and now coming up to months glued to the news channels and websites, which might not be the best thing to do during a crisis, but that's me. There has been big chatter about how we come out of this predicament, and I guess no one will know exactly until after, so every hypothesis we read or debate is exactly that for the time being.
One thing i've learnt is not to take anything for granted. Things we never thought would be implicated in a modern world are now just a daily reality. Who'd of thought that a developed country like Britain would have it's liberty removed pretty much over night, and the vast majority of the county to respect that, and uphold these new rules, even embrace them as the current new order. But, where next?
Are we looking at the new future, or will everything just slot back to how it was? Is it realistic to imagine that this will be the whack in the ass the world needed to finally take things far more seriously, or is that just the current thought simply because it physically feels, and visually looks better to all of us. It's been said that the sky has never been this Blue and the air hasn't been this clean for decades, shown that the oceans have never been this calm in the modern world, albeit with an underlying hue of what we've done. Does wildlife look far more prevalent, or is it just because we didn't have the time to notice it before.
All amazing side effects of the current order, but my thought is it will just drop back to how it was sadly. I don't think it's realistic to think all of this can be sustainable, and I hate to admit that. We are not yet in a position to scrap all the smoke bellowing old busses, cars and vans on the roads and swap to far cleaner vehicles. Judging by how glitchy and slow connections have been on almost all the interviews i've watched on the BBC news that are done remotely, our broadband isn't ready for a mass switch to working from home. Reading how desperate consumers are to get to any shop that is aloud to open, even if that means potentially risking their lives in some circumstances, we are not in a position to side step a certain counties cheap plastic crap and start to produce things ourselves.
I could be wrong of course. We might of learnt hard lessons. Governments might be far more prepared next time, and there will be a next time. People might even be more considerate of each other. Only time will tell and all this is just hypothesizing, but an interesting topic.
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