Knowing your s**t or knowing you're s**t

I can't be the only one who gets super wound up inside seeing the constant misuse of "your" and "you're"... Maybe I'm getting old and getting intolerant of others :oops: maybe I need more important things to worry about, maybe it's been drummed into me from an (corrected a to an, thanks for pointing it out... I always look to better my communication) ex English teacher mum... Either way, I've said it now!

Your: implies possession
You're: You are

Rant over.... Sorry!

Edit: I should probably state that this post wasn't actually triggered by this forum, it was actually Facebook posts from friends etc.
I now truly understand why I don't bother with Facebook - but I know how you feel. I get irritated by people plainly making up new stuff that is not normal English, and then trying to pass it off as being so.
I try to ignore stuff on here, it's a forum site. What I can't handle is the so-called journalists getting it wrong all the time... :mad:
And that's everyone from the Guardian down to the idiot rags :mad::mad::mad:
And dont get me started on the new age idiot bloggers who probably couldn't hack it at school but think it's acceptable to mis-spell everything and call it "street". IDIOTS!

[Deep breaths... Calm... Open the van door, breathe....]
This made me laugh, sorry. I am forever finding flaws in some of our largest publishing corporations articles. It is shocking, given that our Journalists are paid to present their arguments in the English language, and often fail to do so.
This made me laugh, sorry. I am forever finding flaws in some of our largest publishing corporations articles. It is shocking, given that our Journalists are paid to present their arguments in the English language, and often fail to do so.
I would also query the use of a comma after “language” in the last sentence.