Are there any other nice little things I could change while the Carista plugged in?
Are there any other nice little things I could change while the Carista plugged in?

Yes loads, but some of the options depend on what you have as extras in your T6. Plus the Carista into your port and see what options are available.
Are there any other nice little things I could change while the Carista plugged in?
Here’s a list from some ROUGH notes I made:
Carista/OBD2 upgrades
Large digital speed - MPH, small digital mph (Australia) - After changing to Australia you have to go into the menu on the mfd and change the unit of measurement back. Then on the mfd go to settings. Untick alt speed dis, then go to mfd data and tick digit speed. Finally change consumption/dist units back to gallons/mph
Needle sweep at startup
4 flash indicators - Lane change flasher count
Auto Door Locking/unlocking on setting off
??Audible Beep on lock - good /unlock - annoying?? Option B (A doesn't always work)
Windscreen Tear drop wipe
Coming/Leaving Home lights (Coming home lights set to 1 minute)
Flashing brake lights on emergency stop
DRL can now be disabled via Carista or blink on turning.
MMI service mode can now be enabled vis Carista (hold menu for 10sec)
Seat belt warning
Cornering Fog lights
I noticed when I did the digital dash , it said it changed the lights too. Did anyone notice any difference?
I have the OBD eleven from my Audi will this be able to do the same as the Carisa?
Dashboard computer/display - shows my current speed in kph, how do i change it to mph?

or cant i? its very annoying, this isnt LA. lol

The digital display in the MFD? You can do this with VCDS, Carista or the like.

Theres a guide on here:

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Another but quicker way to do it as you go is:
80kph times 6 = 48mph (480 drop zero) kms to miles
80mph times 6 + 80 =128kph (480 drop zero add 80) miles to kms
Just use the magic 6
Good for speeds and distances.
Sorry if this is a stupid question all. But if the van is still under warranty, is this something I shouldn't be messing with? Thanks.
Hi Guys,

I purchased the Carista but cant find the setting anywhere for it to show my speed in Mph in the MMI either in big or the small box
Would I be able to disable the stop/start function using the OBD2 scanner as well?

Thanks in advance
Would I be able to disable the stop/start function using the OBD2 scanner as well?

Thanks in advance
Assuming you're asking about T6, please have a look below. If you can adjust adaptations of battery regulator with your scanner then yes.