L/Battery - go large or go lithium?

I love your replies but I need to read 12 times to understand. I am on read, 8, so bear with me!

Read 12 times, feel reassured.

As always all, thank you.

P.s. I connected Ablemail via the DC to DC wiring connections
It will depend on the health of your starter battery. I see it’s at 12.2v so the Ablemail will be giving it a top up every 15secs or so. You will see this as an increase in the current on the shunt - ramp up to 2-3A for a couple of seconds and then back to zero - and repeat. My SB is on its last legs so the Ablemail is keeping it going, plus I leave a USB plug in and my dashcam is on parking mode and has a small draw. With no charge to the LB and the van stationary for about 10 days my LB is down to 87% - all to the Ablemail. The SB has been kept at a constant 12.2(and a bit) volts. It’s doing its job and has meant I’ve not had to replace the SB which I would have done without it!

It doesn’t need any charge or input to the LB, it simply works of voltage differential.
I’m hoping to get some feedback on screen grabs.

Solar currently off van as getting wrapped pop top tomoz.

Left work tonight, LB at 92, quickly jumped up to 94 via bulk charging DC to DC.

That is when the DC to DC dropped into absorption state, and the current dropped right down. SOC never moved past 94 on hour commute from shift.

Is this normal? Do I assume the SOC is more likely 100% as current dropping so low? Should the state of DC to DC then not read ‘float’ if this is correct?

Should I stop concerning self?

Screen grabs if helpful to this query.

Thanks all.5B06C3C7-D5F3-4785-A863-1F8AAE446AC5.png311ABDA1-B308-4A17-83E9-9FCBA7370276.pngA109C123-25D4-449C-8AB8-6D6A9A4E36BE.png