Leaking Kombi Windows? How-to guide to resolve.

Thanks @DaveyB. Good work. I got as far as removing all locking devices/springs but didn't want to risk forcing the window out of the top and bottom runners. Now I know how - weekend job lined up!:)
I may have needed to start a new thread, but sure you guys can advise if experienced similar. I've recently picked up my Kombi and my offside window is rattling. I think it can only be the mechanism. Anyone had similar and how to fix? Many thanks in advance.
I may have needed to start a new thread, but sure you guys can advise if experienced similar. I've recently picked up my Kombi and my offside window is rattling. I think it can only be the mechanism. Anyone had similar and how to fix? Many thanks in advance.
Check its not the sliding door ,I thought my window was rattling ,but it was the top of the door .if you open the slider look at the back top corner there is a rubber stopper .I put a small ruber stopper off a kitchen door on the end off it and rattle cured .
Cheers carlg, do you know I have blamed it on the window but as both doors have some rattling going on but the driver's was worst I plumped for the window. You could be right so will have a look. Many thanks!....rattle, I'm coming for you!
Cheers carlg, do you know I have blamed it on the window but as both doors have some rattling going on but the driver's was worst I plumped for the window. You could be right so will have a look. Many thanks!....rattle, I'm coming for you!
I got the mrs to sit in the back and look for the rattle ,I was convinced it was the window ,but she held the door at the top and it stopped.
Mine is going in next week to JCT York....leeking like a b*ggar at the moment. It'll be interesting to see if they'll cover retinting of the windows if they need to be replaced? They're charging me £12.50 for the privilege of using a courtesy van.....I'm not really bothered about the £12.50 per se but it's a bit naughty when it's a warranty issue! Apparently it's to cover the insurance?? Anyone else had to pay for the privilege of a courtesy vehicle? Not overly impressed tbh.
Mine is going in next week to JCT York....leeking like a b*ggar at the moment. It'll be interesting to see if they'll cover retinting of the windows if they need to be replaced? They're charging me £12.50 for the privilege of using a courtesy van.....I'm not really bothered about the £12.50 per se but it's a bit naughty when it's a warranty issue! Apparently it's to cover the insurance?? Anyone else had to pay for the privilege of a courtesy vehicle? Not overly impressed tbh.
You're lucky. I've been waiting 3 months for VW Wrexham to sort mine. Both sliding windows leak but they keep blaming VW for not approving it as a warranty job???
They don't charge for a loan vehicle though.
Make sure you contact VW Customer service direct, not just the dealer. They were brilliant with me and if you ask, they will pay for any costs incurred plus a ‘goodwill’ payment... hang on and I will get their e mail......


VW know there is a problem with the bonding on the lower guide rail where it is meant to bond onto the window glass. Also they happily paid for the damage the water ingress had caused.
Make sure you contact VW Customer service direct, not just the dealer. They were brilliant with me and if you ask, they will pay for any costs incurred plus a ‘goodwill’ payment... hang on and I will get their e mail......


VW know there is a problem with the bonding on the lower guide rail where it is meant to bond onto the window glass. Also they happily paid for the damage the water ingress had caused.
Thanks, I'll drop them a line.
Mine is going in next week to JCT York....leeking like a b*ggar at the moment. It'll be interesting to see if they'll cover retinting of the windows if they need to be replaced? They're charging me £12.50 for the privilege of using a courtesy van.....I'm not really bothered about the £12.50 per se but it's a bit naughty when it's a warranty issue! Apparently it's to cover the insurance?? Anyone else had to pay for the privilege of a courtesy vehicle? Not overly impressed tbh.
@mopardave ,I had both my side Windows changed at west Yorkshire van centre . mine were limo tinted and they re did mine foc
Make sure you contact VW Customer service direct, not just the dealer. They were brilliant with me and if you ask, they will pay for any costs incurred plus a ‘goodwill’ payment... hang on and I will get their e mail......


VW know there is a problem with the bonding on the lower guide rail where it is meant to bond onto the window glass. Also they happily paid for the damage the water ingress had caused.
Great stuff....I'll do that too. Spoke to Exploria today to ask if there's anything they could've done to compromise the integrity of the windows when they did the line out. They said absolutely not. I'm just bracing myself for VW getting a bit p*ssy about it.....so I want to be able to go straight back at them without being fobbed off. I might just mention the charge for a courtesy vehicle......I wouldn't be having to take a day off and driving to York if they weren't leaking! Naughty....very naughty!
Well....took mine in to JCT van centre York....lots of tooing and froing and generally getting messed about. Anyway......went to pick it up this morning and thought I'd check it before I went to see the service department. Glad I did cos they've put a lovely 2 to 3 inch scratch immediately under the drivers side window! I asked the (surly) service girl who I've been dealing with to step outside to take a look. She proceeds to scratch at it with her nail and says "I think its coming off".....(yeh, right says I) she then disappears and comes back with a bottle of compound and proceeds to rub away at it in a pathetic attempt to sort it out......which of course it didn't! Then she asks me if I'm taking it away.....by that point I just couldn't say anything other than "you keep it!" Jumped back in their loan van (which I'm paying for BTW)......and left....with steam coming out of my ears! Don't know what'll happen now? VW customer services are ringing me on Monday to see how it all went.....I shall be telling him "not very well" or words to that effect! Any words of wisdom gents....I don't want the whole panel painting cos it'll never look right on a Blackberry van! It ain't cancer.....nobody died, but I'm furious and Gutted cos it was unmarked until now!
Apologies for the rant!
PS oh yeh, I also stressed "do not wash my van!".....guess what????IMAG1630.jpg
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not sure how carl....I don't want that whole panel painting.....it'll never look right. maybe a smart repair.....bunch of w*nkers!
I wonder if they would have mentioned it if you hadn't .
I wonder if they would have mentioned it if you hadn't .
No chance.....the girl in the service department just wanted to give me the keys back and send me on my way! No one checked it.....they can't have done 'cos it's bleedin' obvious! I bet if I'd have taken it, they'd have tried to deny it!! She never even apologised......she even asked me if I wanted them to do it again.....what, vandalise my van again! The dealer principle at JCT van centre York is gonna get a proper blasting on Monday....as for the poor unsuspecting b*stard from VW customer service who's going to ring me on Monday to check I'm happy with the work.....god knows what I'm gonna say to him! Like I said, no one has died and it ain't cancer......but I'm seething! I normally make a point of not using Anglo Saxon language when I'm complaining....this time might be an exception! They ain't getting their loaner back until I'm happy.....god knows when that will be!! :mad:
What a nightmare @mopardave. There are too many dealers that give a damn. As for receptionist attitude, doesn’t deserve to have a job. Make sure they cancel out and the bill for the loan vehicle for being a bunch of (insert any descriptor you wish), as a starting point. Then kick arse!!!!!!
Can’t believe they can’t even follow simple instructions “don’t wash my van!” I had the same problem, all I got was, “what do you want me to do I put a sign in the windscreen saying don’t wash. Derrrrrr!”