Legal advice needed! Speeding in a converted N1

And that's the dibble making the same mistake.

It's not the vehicle class or classification that counts under Schedule 6 R.T.A, but the vehicle type.

Sorry, preaching to the choir again!
In Chris Bell’s response in post #80 they make reference to Maximum permissible mass of 3000Kgs but the Road Traffic Act 1986 legislation references the Unladen Weight not exceeding 2040Kg to satisfy the requirements of a Dual Purpose Vehicle. I would challenge their interpretation of the rules and requirements that apply in court.
What's the concensus of opinion on a Kombi being used with the seats removed for carrying bulky items then? Does it revert to the lower speed limits while the seats are out or not? Or does it only matter if you are physically pulled over by a Police officer vs having a picture/video taken by a camera?
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What's the concensus of opinion on a Kombi being used with the seats removed for carrying bulky items then? Does it revert to the lower speed limits while the seats are out or not? Or does it only matter if you are physically pulled over by a Police officer vs having a picture/video taken by a camera?
Without eyewitness testimony, how would anyone ever prove that the seats weren't in position at the time of the alleged offence?
On another note, my V5 shows a Mass In Service of 1960Kg, this presumably is due to the fact that it was originally a T28 panel van, now that's well below the threshold for a Dual Purpose Vehicle even before fuel and driver weights are accounted for, but should this be changed to reflect the added weight of the three seats in the back now it's been converted to a Kombi? (even though I can't see a way of doing this on the V5)?
They'll have an Evidential Review Officer, likely a retired PC or DC who's too institutionalised to get a job un the real world so came back as a civvy. To be fair they're generally pretty switched on.

The good news Is it's a summary offence (ignoring the technicalities about it not being an offence at all in this case) and every day takes it closer to six months. You're already best part of two months in...
Reading the original post got me checking the V5 for my Leisuredrive Vivante and hey ho it is registered Light Goods Panel Van so have downloaded the V1006 and taken the required photos posted and finger crossed I get a result.
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You may succeed if it has a fixed high-top
ERxamples abound of thosde being knocked back too. Uness it's done by an IVA approved converter prior to first registation the change to Motor Caravan is all but extinct. Even IVA approved converters can't get it done if the base van has already been registered, regardless of the actual finished spec.
Just a question, my van is a T28 panel van with added side abd back door windows. Internally it has been converted to a camper -fixed cooking, storage etc, but crucially, has a Van Furniture u shaped seating area so no rear seat belts/carrying passengers.

Does the lack of rear travelling seats prevent it from being classified as a Motor Caravan, so still stuck with van speed limits?
Reading the original post got me checking the V5 for my Leisuredrive Vivante and hey ho it is registered Light Goods Panel Van so have downloaded the V1006 and taken the required photos posted and finger crossed I get a result.
Our Vivante is registered as a Van with Windows, don't know if that's any better than Panel Van?
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