Same hereAgain, how can I only squeeze 30mpg max out of my empty 150 kombi driven like a granny, while the MFD displays 32mpg, yet another 150 engined T6 displays 45mpg ?.
My fuel light is always on before 400 miles.
Thats not fairIf i drive my van like a car I still get 35mpg of mfd for my daily commute and thats doing 85ish
If i drive my van like a car I still get 35mpg of mfd for my daily commute and thats doing 85ish
Pretty much what I did this morning and tried not to ease off up hills as much as usual. Loving the pull on these engines, so smooth but powerful.I never slowly build up to my cruising speed. My view is that less time accelerating, more time at higher mpg.
@.50......Let me tell you. First thing, don't trust the MFD! If it's anything like mine, it's pointless. Mine was supposedly recalibrated but they went the wrong way with it despite my several explanations "it's reading high"....."it's reading on the optimistic side".....I thought I'd made it clear to the master tech, "MY MFD IS READING HIGH.....SO MY MPG IS READING HIGH, RIGHT.....YOU KNOW, IT'S SHOWING THAT I'M GETTING MORE MPG THAN I REALLY AM.....COMPRENDE?" Obviously not quite like that but I thought I'd made it clear?! Nope, I mustn't have.....cos now, mine runs on fresh air according to the MFD! 50mpg, no problem.....give me strength!!!!Again, how can I only squeeze 30mpg max out of my empty 150 kombi driven like a granny, while the MFD displays 32mpg, yet another 150 engined T6 displays 45mpg ?.
My fuel light is always on before 400 miles.
You have the bigger tank?Just done between 475-490 and have 55 left. If we low ball it and say its done 500 miles whats that in actual mpg?