Hi Guys
New to the forum but have been reading it quite a lot since being interested in buying a Caravelle..
I wanted to post on this site as i have read about many issues with certain characteristics of the T6, the alignment issue.
My story is that i purchased a brand new T6 Caravelle a couple of weeks back and i wanted to share my story, and thankfully my solution to the issue. I have read many threads on various forums regarding the issue of pulling to the left and also the steering wheel being off centre. After picking my van up, about 10 miles into the homeward journey on the motor way, i too noticed that the steering wheel was off centre and the van was pulling to the left. This some what annoyed me, but persevered as i assumed it was the camber of the road. As the miles went on, it became apparent that this was going to be an issue... So.. i called the dealer on monday, they advised me that i had to bring the van back and for them to check it out.
Back to the dealer i went, they took it out for a test drive... guess what? Nothing wrong with it! Well i went mad at him.. so i took them out for a longer test drive, and yet i find that they can still not find anything wrong with the Van. I am getting more annoyed at this point.. On to VW HQ.. i advised them that i would be off down to a local Wheel Alignment centre and would send them the bill if they did not help me on this matter..
They then got in contact with my local dealer, and they booked me into a centre that had the latest Hunter Wheel alignment system.. So off i went last Saturday. Two hours the Van was in.. when the technician came back to me it appears that the front sub-frame was miss aligned.. obviously from the factory. Now bearing in mind i picked this van up with 6 miles on it, i was very surprised, but relieved to find that they actually found an issue and they solved it by loosening off the main bolts, and re-aligning it.
Well i am happy to say that all the issues have gone, the fix has cured the steering wheel and the tracking issue. I told my dealer of the issue, but they said ...oh... i see...
Anyway, i wanted to share this fix with you guys in the hope that some of you who go looking for this on various forums get an answer to your problem. there are too many threads that get left unanswered and the threads disappear into the ether. It may not be the answer to everyone's issues, but i hope it will cure some of your problems.
attached is a printout of the alignment issue before the fix.