My T6 is pulling to the left (RHD)

Thanks for replying but I’ve been down all routes.
Tyres are evenly worn, pressures are good and wear pattern consistent.

It doesn’t matter what road I’m on it goes left regardless of camber, annoying if nothing else,

I feel your pain I had mine aligned 4 times but last week I went to a new alignment centre who let you change the hunter settings to unladen and I was way out on the front right, he adjusted it to tolerance and it's so straight now, drives smoother and feels fantastic....theres another thread on here somewhere I'll try and find it for you
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thread is called 'lowering and wheel alignment issues' the hunters settings are on the top of the print out
I to have purchased a 2018 T6 DSG 150 KOMBI with 10,000 on the clock and guess what it pulls to the left and guess what the dealer has come straight out with the same bull**** replies I've seen posted in this thread. I insisted on them tracking it and apparently it is not out (it was digital) suggests to me maybe suspension springs or steering. I'm a fighter and due back at the dealer on Friday and will take it up with them. I also have VW UK involved. I agree with previous post, the dealers do bugger all before selling vehicles on. Its a shame. I'll keep you posted on my final outcome

I have a 2019 T6 4 Motion with diff lock and heavy duty suspension that has pulled to the left since I drove out of the dealer. I've had it independently checked and its right side front camber is off and in the 'red'.
VW Ireland haven't been able to locate the 'why' and just started changing parts. They have run out of parts to change and have sort of washed their hands of it now saying that is down to the camber in the road etc blah blah blah.
So...has anyone seen this before and maybe point me and ultimately VW Ireland in the right direction.
Thanks in advance
Thought all T6"s pulled to one side or the other ;) Might need to try another place to adjust. Do you have "hunter" tracking available in Ireland? These seem to get very good reviews/results.
Not sure about Hunter tracking... I'll check it out.
It's frustrating, wore out the front tyre after 20K km, replacement is going the same way..
Does the 4 motion have any negative effect here...
I'm looking for out of the ordinary ideas...
Theres a huge thread on here about alignment and pulling to the left somewhere
Hi Guys

New to the forum but have been reading it quite a lot since being interested in buying a Caravelle..

I wanted to post on this site as i have read about many issues with certain characteristics of the T6, the alignment issue.

My story is that i purchased a brand new T6 Caravelle a couple of weeks back and i wanted to share my story, and thankfully my solution to the issue. I have read many threads on various forums regarding the issue of pulling to the left and also the steering wheel being off centre. After picking my van up, about 10 miles into the homeward journey on the motor way, i too noticed that the steering wheel was off centre and the van was pulling to the left. This some what annoyed me, but persevered as i assumed it was the camber of the road. As the miles went on, it became apparent that this was going to be an issue... So.. i called the dealer on monday, they advised me that i had to bring the van back and for them to check it out.

Back to the dealer i went, they took it out for a test drive... guess what? Nothing wrong with it! Well i went mad at him.. so i took them out for a longer test drive, and yet i find that they can still not find anything wrong with the Van. I am getting more annoyed at this point.. On to VW HQ.. i advised them that i would be off down to a local Wheel Alignment centre and would send them the bill if they did not help me on this matter..

They then got in contact with my local dealer, and they booked me into a centre that had the latest Hunter Wheel alignment system.. So off i went last Saturday. Two hours the Van was in.. when the technician came back to me it appears that the front sub-frame was miss aligned.. obviously from the factory. Now bearing in mind i picked this van up with 6 miles on it, i was very surprised, but relieved to find that they actually found an issue and they solved it by loosening off the main bolts, and re-aligning it.

Well i am happy to say that all the issues have gone, the fix has cured the steering wheel and the tracking issue. I told my dealer of the issue, but they said ...oh... i see...

Anyway, i wanted to share this fix with you guys in the hope that some of you who go looking for this on various forums get an answer to your problem. there are too many threads that get left unanswered and the threads disappear into the ether. It may not be the answer to everyone's issues, but i hope it will cure some of your problems.

attached is a printout of the alignment issue before the fix.

Caravelle Tracking.JPG
I would also put this on the wheels in motion forum as Tony is one of the top in the alignment industry and sure he would be interested to read this and look at your readings.
I had exactly the same issue with a T5 Vel back in 2006.
I bought the Vel used from a franchised dealer about 1 year old with 20k miles.
I bought it unseen, and its was delivered, and came with brand new front tyres on.
I remember thinking who buys a vehicle like this and changes it so soon?
Anyway around 8k miles later the fronts had scrubbed out on an edge, which annoyed me.
Back then it was difficult to find a 4 wheel laser alignment that would touch a T5.
So I agreed to pay my local VW dealer £200 for an alignment;
To my delight the dealer phoned me and said there was a manufacturing error in the front assembly; they had spoken to VW(UK), and that it need new bolts to re-align the front sub-assembly, these bolts had to come from Germany as they weren't stocked in the UK at the time.
So after a couple of days the van came back to me fully aligned. VW(UK) and the supplying dealer both refused to contribute to the costs of the scrubbed Tyres, even though there was obviously a known issue when the new tyres were fitted at the supplying dealer; and the vel had the remained of the manufactures warrantee; and the VW approved used warrantee. I didn't have to pay the alignment costs.

I was left wondering, if this was the reason the owner from new sold /part exchanged the T5 Vel in the first place???
hi,im new to forum,sure have read same symtems previously on this forum,think this issue could be the answer to their problems.think this could be a great find of information.pretty sure my van doesnt quite feel right,thanks very much,top bit of usefull information
Advice needed please.

So I bought a 2019 T30 4motion van a couple of months ago (second hand from VW) and ask them to check the tracking as the steering wheel was slightly off centre before I collected it, got the van but the steering wheel was now facing the other way, didn't think to much of it because of the bigger wheels anda set of b14's were soon to be installed so would get the tracking and alignment done then.
After fitting the b14s it went in to have two new tyres (Worn on the inside drivers side only) and the alignment done again unfortunately the steering was still wonky after.
One month on and it was booked in to have a full Hunters alignment done by a local tuning company who have done loads of t5/t6 vans, they adjusted the rear height slightly and then called me through to show me why the steering was off. so it looks like the drivers side rear toe is completely off and can't be adjusted any further in which now leaves me in theory with a van that crabs down the road they have suggested taking it back to VW as they think either there is a problem with the wishbone on the hanger position on the chassis, the van looks mint under neither with no signs of an accident or anything.

Im wondering if anyone has had or heard of this before.

Screenshot 2020-06-04 16.27.44.png
The problem with some garages that have done 'loads of T5/6's' is that they've done loads wrongly, I can reel off several well known converters and garages close to me that claim to know all about VW vans. In reality they are all crap and that's why I have to take mine on a 3 hour round trip to get the work done properly.

Where in the country are you, let's see if we can point you to a decent garage that actually know how to use their wheel alignment kit.
The problem with some garages that have done 'loads of T5/6's' is that they've done loads wrongly, I can reel off several well known converters and garages close to me that claim to know all about VW vans. In reality they are all crap and that's why I have to take mine on a 3 hour round trip to get the work done properly.

Where in the country are you, let's see if we can point you to a decent garage that actually know how to use their wheel alignment kit.

I’m a Kentish lad next to the m25
I'm not familiar with that area, but I live in Poole and take mine to Bognor Motors, I've just Googled and it's a similar distance for you as well, 1hr 40ish.

There may well be someone closer to you, but if you want to give the bus a run I'd thoroughly recommend them.

I'm on B14's too, although mine were fitted correctly they weren't aligned and I scrubbed out two front tyres in less than 1000 miles.

There are soooo many companies out there professing to know VW's inside out, but many of them make it up as they go along.

My well established convertor had me driving round on incorrectly rated tyres, chewed up locking wheel nuts, missing insulation/sound proofing and seat belts that don't recoil.