OBD eleven gearbox fault codes


New Member
hi all not been around for a while missed my t5 so just bought another mint but with a gearbox fault so after some pointers. its a DSG 7 speed the FAULT CODES with the obd 11 are P176A00
P176C00. its not fully engaging gears and its holding the brakes on I am guessing this is partly because of not going in gear. could this be the mechatronic unit vans got 110k on the clock. any recommendations around south Yorkshire to service the unit if it is this or advice on what to check first. thanks in advance
Nothing holds the brakes on, so is something siezed?
the van free wheels no problem so the brakes are not the problem. I am wondering if the clutch is slipping bad and could be part of the reason for it not going in gear. going to go out and try it now everything is cold see it its any different