Fault code P0299 Boost - 2019 Crafter

And continue driving and logging with the fault , or end the session and create a new one ?
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another log..... sorry im really crap with how it saves the files, where it saves the files etc..... when i close a log it doesnt ask me where i want to store it or what i want to call it.... im a computer ludite, sorry


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Nope I’ve done these wrong again havent I….. and the 2nd lot are from last Friday , not tonight.

Sorry mmi, I’ll go and grab the lap top and check the files again.
Nope I’ve done these wrong again havent I….. and the 2nd lot are from last Friday , not tonight.
Actually - it is both last Friday and last night /Thursday 21:25. That's because you had always saved the logs into same file - no worries! VCDS just appends new logs into the same old log file.

how it saves the files, where it saves the files etc..... when i close a log it doesnt ask me where i want to store it or what i want to call it...
Yes, VCDS could be better - possibly. On the other hand, VCDS simply does it's job - without too many question asked - so it's a kind of powerful and quick when you get used to it.

Actually, you name the file and where to save immediately after selecting "Log"

and then just BEFORE the logging is started:


Then a way to find where the logs were stored (unless selected otherwise above by you).
Click on top left corner on VCDS main screen


Select "Open VCDS folder"

Then look into "Logs" folder

Anyways, please ask when something is not clear/obvious. VCDS data recording is very powerful tool for diagnosing VW vehicles - so let's take full advantage of it.
Well, no significant improvement in charge air pressure demand/specified vs. actual - still lagging.

Normed load - to represent driver's torque demand.


PS. The log didn't have the Group UDS by 7/8 request ticked, so the data samples are not very dense in time. It's ok for the above.

i have so far,
tested the vacum to n75 - 25mmhg
tested the vaccum line to turbo - it holds at 20mmhg
replaced the N75 valve
inspected all vac hoses, which seem fine.
looked that the waste gate actuator, it seems to move freely on vac but does have just a tiny amount of "play" in the linkage when closed. (suspect)
looked at egr valve, its clear and the valve itself functions on demand
looked at the egr inlet and oulet hoses, i replaced them and the gaskets both ends.
looked at intercooler hoses, all good, clean inside.

Have you checked the pressure sensor in intake manifold? It's not totally blocked as it reports correctly atmospheric pressure.

It be back pressure of exhaust gas from a mucky dpf?
Based on the reported values on the log not an issue. Pressure across the DPF seems to perfectly normal, well actually too good - about 6 hPa on hot DPF engine ticking over. Still a leak in exhaust?

Engine ticking over from 371 seconds onwards.
Mmi, thank you.
I changed the map sensor about three weeks ago (to a bosch one).
The old one was caked in oily tar gunk.
This was located on the front of the engine under the egr outlet flex pipe.

The dpf, I renewed all the seal/gaskets between turbo/cat/dpf and allthough I didn’t have one of the v band clamps on perfect, my brother sorted that out for me and it’s now sound.
Do you think it’s possible I have a crack in exhaust manifold ?
It’s much better than it was but I still get eye stinging exhaust stink from back of the engine.

I also did whitness a tiny amount of smoke come from the turbo , it was from the centre of it where the two halves meet and the actuator rod sits. A tiny puff when revved.
Do you think it’s possible I have a crack in exhaust manifold ?
It’s much better than it was but I still get eye stinging exhaust stink from back of the engine.

I also did whitness a tiny amount of smoke come from the turbo , it was from the centre of it where the two halves meet and the actuator rod sits. A tiny puff when revved.
A leak before turbo would explain the lack of boost.

Also "too good/low" differential pressure across the DPF could indicate that not all exhaust gases go through DPF.
Been out again this afternoon in it…. Drove for around an hour … still fine on light footed driving and fine on heavy footed driving , it’s the coasting or when revs are maintained at a cruising speed. Cant decide if extra load of a hill brings it on or not. It doesn’t if I think it up the hill but it does if I just plod up the incline.
I’m still trying to put miles through it as I currently have a tank of fuel with Wynnes turbo vane cleaner in it, half way done.

How can I test :
Exhaust manifold (for crack)
Inlet manifold (for crack)
Charge air intercooler (for blockage or failure)

I still have Po299, and I still have a trace amount of oil inside charge air pipe and charge air inlet and outlet elbows.

When you say a leak before the turbo, do you mean the exhaust manifold or the middle of the turbo where I saw a whisp of smoke come from a few times?
When you say a leak before the turbo, do you mean the exhaust manifold or the middle of the turbo where I saw a whisp of smoke come from a few times?
I would say both of them. Anywhere in the exhaust flow before the turbo has taken advantage of the exhaust flow energy to create boost on intake side.
I’m made a smoke tester earlier today but it wasn’t quite Smokey enough, I used mineral oil but I believe baby oil is the chosen smoke fuel
I suppose vape liquid would be good as it’s made for making smoke ?
I found something…….

When I bought the new o ring for turbo to charge air pipe, I also bought a new gasket for egr outlet into inlet manifold…..
I took the pipe off, and noticed a black cob of muck, cleaned it back and found a brased repair to a hole. Looks like it’s been leak too as this pic is it cleaned up, but prior to cleaning g it black carbonised crud…

I will go to Vw in the morning and hope they have one in stock.
They had the rear pipe so hopefully they have this too.
I think I read somewhere that this pipe was also upgrade with some additional holes in the outlet end?
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Ok….. so today I changed the oil and oil filter .
Prior to the oil change I ran some cleanser through with the old oil before draining.

Took the van for a drive and honestly , for a while, I thought the problem had gone away.
It drove a good distance without presenting an underboost. I felt confident so took the van on a longer run including a junction up the motorway.

The fault came on after a good poke up the M56 after about a mile.
I came off the next junction, cycled the ignition, and drove home most of the way without fault.
It did come on again a couple more times on the expressway but all
I can say is the issue was far less frequent.

What can doing an oil flush/change have done to make an improvement?

The only thing I can think is that the new clean oil running through the turbo allowed it to run faster, creating more boost?
So would this be an indication that it is a turbo related issue after all ?

The van is booked in with vagtecNW next week as I am at a dead end myself …. But this has confused me as the van was deffinaitly a lot better after this oil
Change ?

What are your thoughts ?