
IMG_6806.pngA short eared owl doing a little fly past last week. Taken at dusk and hit with denoise it came out quite well.
Loses a lot on here when it’s squished to 2mp.
That’s taken up the road from my house. We are lucky to have all 5 owl species within a couple of miles of home.
Was out watching barn owls and little owls last night.
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Need some advice.

Does anyone still shoot film? Son and I are at a special car show in three weeks and thought it would be nice to take a film camera so we actually get some prints made rather than hundreds of digital images on our phone. And also introduce him to film.

I have an Olympus Trip 35 and XA2 but its a bit tight to run a test film through to check for light ingress so am thinking about a Kodak M35 which gets reasonable reviews for a 25 quid bit of plastic.

Any other suggestions greatly received. We go 5th Sept for 2 nights / 3 days in Copenhagen (Luftgekuhlt)
Need some advice.

Does anyone still shoot film? Son and I are at a special car show in three weeks and thought it would be nice to take a film camera so we actually get some prints made rather than hundreds of digital images on our phone. And also introduce him to film.

I have an Olympus Trip 35 and XA2 but its a bit tight to run a test film through to check for light ingress so am thinking about a Kodak M35 which gets reasonable reviews for a 25 quid bit of plastic.

Any other suggestions greatly received. We go 5th Sept for 2 nights / 3 days in Copenhagen (Luftgekuhlt)

Are you a member of the talkphotography forum? They have a whole sub section called "talk film". Very useful
Need some advice.

Does anyone still shoot film? Son and I are at a special car show in three weeks and thought it would be nice to take a film camera so we actually get some prints made rather than hundreds of digital images on our phone. And also introduce him to film.

I have an Olympus Trip 35 and XA2 but its a bit tight to run a test film through to check for light ingress so am thinking about a Kodak M35 which gets reasonable reviews for a 25 quid bit of plastic.

Any other suggestions greatly received. We go 5th Sept for 2 nights / 3 days in Copenhagen (Luftgekuhlt)
I still have a Canon EOS10 film SLR you could borrow but I think a bit too far away. I’ve not used it for years though.
For your upcoming event, you would be much better off with digital and having the discipline to get some snaps printed just for the occasion. TBH, I'm not convinced that either of the old Olympus compacts were much cop in the first place (a triumph of advertising over substance and I doubt David Bailey who was paid to endorse them ever really used one in his professional work).
In comparison, modern digital cameras offer quite astonishing quality and even cheapish phone cameras are very good nowadays and far better than most old film compacts. The downside is that almost anybody nowadays can easily take a very sharp and well exposed image which then leads them to thinking they are a pro standard photographer when they are not. Super sharp and well exposed are only two elements of a great photograph and the rest is often missing.
Apart from an old Russian 6x6 that I acquired on a trip to East Germany in the late 1970s (and which I've kept for sentimental value!), I actually sold my collection of film cameras over the last couple of years (the last one to go was a Nikon F2AS with a 50mm f1.2 lens and other accessories which which I bought new in 1982 and which fetched reasonable money but not as much as it deserved to - it always gave the impression that if you was in a firefight and ran out of ammo, you could always use it to beat the enemy to death and it would still work afterwards!).
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Need some advice.

Does anyone still shoot film? Son and I are at a special car show in three weeks and thought it would be nice to take a film camera so we actually get some prints made rather than hundreds of digital images on our phone. And also introduce him to film.

I have an Olympus Trip 35 and XA2 but its a bit tight to run a test film through to check for light ingress so am thinking about a Kodak M35 which gets reasonable reviews for a 25 quid bit of plastic.

Any other suggestions greatly received. We go 5th Sept for 2 nights / 3 days in Copenhagen (Luftgekuhlt)
If you’re flying there you should be aware that the new CT X-Ray baggage screening equipment now being installed in UK, EU and US airports are no longer ‘film-kind’ (as if they ever were) and will comprehensively fog any film emulsion carried in hand or checked-in baggage, even a very low-speed 32ASA rated film. The same applies for ferry crossings as the DoT are installing them at ports too.

To avoid fogged film when travelling abroad the options are:
1. Buy film at your destination and get it processed locally.
2. Pack unprocessed film in unopened manufacturer’s packaging and carry it separately in a clear plastic bag. Tell the airline or ferry operator at check in that you are carrying unprocessed photographic film and ask for a manual inspection (for the film) then pray the security staff operating the scanners cooperate.
3. Use a digital camera.
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@Captain Quick. Thanks - that information had completely passed me by and is worth keeping in mind. That said, I doubt I'll ever fly with film again! Indeed, after a lot of years of lugging heavy photo kit around for the job, I don't even own a DSLR any more - the last one (a Nikon D700) went about 12 years ago and I've relied on compacts ever since. I've been using a Sony HX100vii for a few years now which is tiny in comparison but still turns out great results with very little effort (apart from keeping it fed with power as battery life is truly awful).
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Need some advice.

Does anyone still shoot film? Son and I are at a special car show in three weeks and thought it would be nice to take a film camera so we actually get some prints made rather than hundreds of digital images on our phone. And also introduce him to film.

I have an Olympus Trip 35 and XA2 but its a bit tight to run a test film through to check for light ingress so am thinking about a Kodak M35 which gets reasonable reviews for a 25 quid bit of plastic.

Any other suggestions greatly received. We go 5th Sept for 2 nights / 3 days in Copenhagen (Luftgekuhlt)
That reminds me. I've still got a few frames left to shoot on these cameras. I'm hoping the colour cast will just be deemed retro and cool today. The film's only been in there a couple of decades.... :rolleyes:

Agfa Flexilette TLR 35mm and a 120 format Agfa Isolette


That reminds me. I've still got a few frames left to shoot on these cameras. I'm hoping the colour cast will just be deemed retro and cool today. The film's only been in there a couple of decades.... :rolleyes:
If you can find one, take a shot of a colour rendition chart such as a Macbeth Color Checker, or neutral grey card, and use that frame to determine the colour shift. Most likely it won't be an even shift as each colour layer will be affected slightly differently over time. It should help a print analyser or Photoshop dial out the cast though if you're not going for a 'retro look'.