I'd say get the battery tested first, charge it up for a few days then take it to Halfords for a free health check.
If it's looking like a dodgy battery, don't buy one from Halfords (or Euro Car Parts) but try Tayna online or on eBay.
Be prepared for a shock to the wallet. The biggest that will fit is a Type 019 and for a Bosch (5 year warranty) S5 A13 AGM you're looking at £175 from Tayna, £535 from Euro Car parts before any 'discount':rolleyes:
Oh, and then you'll need the new battery (whatever you get) coding in.
I am using solar power, so I decided to buy Battle Born Batteries. Lead-acid batteries are much cheeper, but over the life of the Battle Born, you will spend more money and time on the cheeper lead-acid. This battery is guaranteed for 10 years. After that date, the capacity will fall off about 10% to 20% and still work great. With lead-acid, you will be buying another one to add to the big pile of dead batteries you have in your back yard.
We are talking Starter batteries here, not Leisure Batteries.
You can't use regular Lead-Acid batteries with a Stop/Start system, they won't accept the current dumps the alternator puts into them. EFB or AGM required for a Stop/Start vehicle.
You may have issues using Lithium batteries as a starter battery, the amount of current they can soak up will kill a regular alternator in no time.
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Just had to get a battery today tested and too discharged to save

£190 genuine being delivered tomorrow
@Grim Reaper has written a How-To on upgrading his..


(If stop/start - its needs to be an AGM)





Had a Carista update today, says they’ve added “Battery Registration for Golf Mk7 and similar”
Haven’t tried it on the van yet so unsure if it will work on the T6.
It’ll be a bit of a bummer for me if it does as I forked out £100 for an OBDeleven last week, solely for that purpose. :rolleyes:
Had a Carista update today, says they’ve added “Battery Registration for Golf Mk7 and similar”
Haven’t tried it on the van yet so unsure if it will work on the T6.

Had a look today, and as expected, no sign of it when connected to the T6.
For changing the starter battefy you need a so called "EFB" type:

In my 2017 T6 TSI 150 hp the original Moll battery suddenly broke downn the day after the first service (25000 km/2 years).
My dealer changed it under warranty by a Varta EFB type ( original VW part). He said it happens a lot with Moll batteries.20201222_122928.jpg

EFB can be changed by a "normal" AGM battery but an AGM not by an EFB type.
On the topic of replacing the starter battery, apart from coding the new one in, any other problems likely to be encountered when disconnecting the old one.. ie any memory loss issues etc...
You can put any type of battery in (except for Lithium, there's no profile for lithium yet) so long as it is suitable for the application.
If you don't have a smart alternator or stop/start you can use a regular lead acid one, if you have smart alternator and stop/start then either EFB or AGM can be fitted, the only requirement in all cases is that you tell the van which type of battery is fitted and what its capacity is so the charging system can be altered to suit the characteristics of that battery, there is nothing stopping you changing from an EFB to AGM or back again should you wish to do so, just recode to suit.
I agree. But if you have the choice for changing the starter battery, here are the benefits of an EFB:

EFB batteries support applications that operate at a partial state of charge and don’t require the deep-cycling characteristics of an AGM battery. A polyfleece scrim material, added to the positive plate surface, makes this possible. This helps to stabilise the active material of the plates, which increases the endurance.

Benefits include:

  • More than twice the partial state of charge and deep-cycling performance of conventional batteries.
  • Support for a high number of engine starts and extended engine-off periods.
  • Improved charge acceptance compared to conventional flooded batteries.
  • Designs available that improve thermal stability for use in engine compartments and hot climates.
  • Ideal for start-stop vehicle technologies without regenerative braking technology and for vehicles with higher-than-normal energy demands, whether that means a tougher drive schedule or multiple accessories and equipment installed.
  • In addition, our EFB products are built with PowerFrame® grid technology for high starting power and reliable performance.