Reversing Camera - wiring harness route

I thus presume I am back to first plan.


A) run off starter battery with supplied live fuse kit (which does has low voltage protection)

B) find a way to run off leisure

Both solutions require me to route rear camera cable though driver side cupboards or above sliding door void.

I know the leisure is charged via alternator.

Does anyone know if the reverse occurs (forward planning for solar) does the solar looking after hab battery automatically feed into starter or is that a daft question?
Yes, pretty much, drivers side will be easier.
Solar looking after hab does not automatically feed into starter.
A question to worry about in the future but can you split charge form
Solar to starter and leisure? Again, one for the future
Rather than split charge only on the Solar consider using the Ablemail AMT 12-2 if you can, then your starter will trickle charge whatever the source of charge for your leisure:

Lots of threads on this device if you use the search.
Saw that, would that essentially just be getting ‘normal’ dash cam, and installing rear facing, so essentially would have two sd cards betting recording too as an example rather than one connected system?

I was going to suggest 2 independent dash cams as an option if you find the wiring route front to back onerous - it's an option I've used in the Volvo.

Deffo not that. So need independent slot then

To be honest looking at the quality of the moulded on connectors I'd crop them off and wire to decent taps. You'd have to if either fuse went anyway as it looks like they've moulded the fuse on.
Rather than split charge only on the Solar consider using the Ablemail AMT 12-2 if you can, then your starter will trickle charge whatever the source of charge for your leisure:

Lots of threads on this device if you use the search.
Ordered (does this get installed near leisure or near starter?)
Thank you. Currently picking way through that thread.

I presume the Dc-dc charger lives next to leisure battery? I saw something when I was looking how I will access battery for bm2 under the drivers seat?

I will google what it looks like to be sure.
Amber valley 12/200v located next to leisure battery.

Is that what I need to wire amt into?


As you have an Amber Valley, it looks like your van is actually wired like the Hillside diagram.
I’m not familiar with that device at all as Hillside don’t use it now (although they haven’t updated their wiring diagram).
You also have your leisure battery under your drivers seat rather than passenger: Didn’t know that or missed it!
With It on that side you should easily be able to take a new fused feed direct from your leisure battery to the side step and up the A pillar to provide power to your Dashcam.
Would this be something I could repurpose the wolf box live wire cable for?

I appreciate I need to get one blade fuse to a fuse box (near gear stick) serviced by starter battery.

What the wire look like to draw second (constant) power from leisure battery under drivers seat to power camera?
I expect that the Amber Valley is a split charge relay rather than a DC-DC charger.
Looking at your battery photo, it looks like Hillside used to install their own leisure battery; they now just order their vans with the 2nd battery installed by VW.
I would need to see a better picture of the wiring under the drivers seat before I could comment further.
If you take your seat out, keep your ignition off, remember to disconnect the wire/s to the seat and don’t turn the ignition back on until you’ve reconnected the wiring or you will get fault codes / dash lights.
There are guides on here detailing how to take the seat out.
I do believe split charger rather than DC-DC, so do I need to source and install one of those too? Is this relatively straightforward?
Or am I rabbit holing? And can worry about all this when I get around to solar, and should just focus on dash cam for now?! Feels like a therapy session now haha (existential crisis)