We're making sure we enjoy ourselves and giving the kids a good upbringing; all this slaving "for retirement" baffles me; so you want to stop yourselves doing things now that you'll be too old to do when you retire?
You want your kids looked after, seeing them only a tiny amount a day so you can build yet another extension you don't need?
Do you really want a life of 20 days holiday a year so you can have a slightly nicer retirement home?
While people must be careful and not blow everything and avoid debt at ALL costs, just live within your means and enjoy life NOW.
Don't deprive your kids of the thing you can never buy or get back; TIME.
Brits have such an unhealthy relationship with money; it's all so wrong.
We are "lucky" to have a business that allows flexibility and a reasonable income but it didn't happen by accident; anyone can do it though with planning and persistence.
Avoid debt, don't be a mortgage slave, give your kids your time now, enjoy yourselves while you're still fit and able, explore, meet people, avoid screens but most of all, don't fit massive wheels to your van and lower it.