I have an Alpine Halo 11 with the Canbus interfeace.
I don't see the same telephony screen like I had on the MFD, or like you show above.
View attachment 271549
Righty, I take some of this back. Normally, the phone screen on the new dash shows 'Bluetooth Disconnected'. I don't get the same display as
@Jan_B showing carrier and phone as we did on the old MFD. I think I made the first call in the van today and I got the normal call in progress details as we did with an MFD, see below.
View attachment 271601
But as to
@Jan_B's original question, I can't select previous calls, access the phonebook etc, as you could do with the MFD. Not that I think I ever used it.
Still can't work out to use the wireless Android Auto that this new board is supposed to support.
Oh, and the bong has started at 20MPH....