Yes I have the same. Are these parameters changeable though vcds?Thanks Michel for posting this.
I also had this issue.
Since I did my LED retrofit, I had random DTCs in my BCM regarding low/high beam "Open or Short to Plus".
These fault codes would show up kind of randomly.
Sometimes low beam and/or high beam. Sometimes just one side, the other time both.
Though, both LED lamps always worked 100% correctly when controlled manually via stalk.
But when I would use HBA, after few automatic low/high beam switch over cycles,
one of my high beams would go OFF permanently.
To get it back to work, an ignition OFF/ON cycle was required.
I have increased my both parameters from 130 to 140
and now my high beams(both) behave 100% as expected when HBA is in use.
Fault codes related to low beams are also gone.
By the way, I am curious why you use your VCP in "the different" language?
Good guess, but it was firegrafikLet me guess, Slavik is that guy?
The other option besides VCP is ODIS-E:Yes I have the same. Are these parameters changeable though vcds?
Interesting. Will have a read if that thread.@Robert @LambethBoy
Any chance the DTCs are related to this observation?
[Guide] How To Retrofit MFSW And Cruise Control To T6 Eu6 2019 Startline - Also Hacking DSG Paddles For CCS
Reading back through this. Have you remove pin 45 at the BCM? Also have you remove the wires at the plug behind the steering wheel where you fitted pins 9, 10 & 11? If not this could be the issue. It may still be seeing the stalks. Hi I have a 2016 T6 with a steering wheel without
No, not related.@Robert @LambethBoy
Any chance the DTCs are related to this observation?
[Guide] How To Retrofit MFSW And Cruise Control To T6 Eu6 2019 Startline - Also Hacking DSG Paddles For CCS
Reading back through this. Have you remove pin 45 at the BCM? Also have you remove the wires at the plug behind the steering wheel where you fitted pins 9, 10 & 11? If not this could be the issue. It may still be seeing the stalks. Hi I have a 2016 T6 with a steering wheel without
Thanks Michel for posting this.
I also had this issue.
Since I did my LED retrofit, I had random DTCs in my BCM regarding low/high beam "Open or Short to Plus".
These fault codes would show up kind of randomly.
Sometimes low beam and/or high beam. Sometimes just one side, the other time both.
Though, both LED lamps always worked 100% correctly when controlled manually via stalk.
But when I would use HBA, after few automatic low/high beam switch over cycles,
one of my high beams would go OFF permanently.
To get it back to work, an ignition OFF/ON cycle was required.
I have increased my both parameters from 130 to 140
and now my high beams(both) behave 100% as expected when HBA is in use.
Fault codes related to low beams are also gone.
By the way, I am curious why you use your VCP in "the different" language?
Ďakujem Michel za toto uverejnenie.
Tiež som mal tento problém.
Odkedy som vykonal dodatočnú montáž LED, mal som v BCM bývalých DTC sa stretávajúcich/diaľkových svetiel „Open or Short to Plus“.
Tieto chybové kódy by sa zobrazovali ako náhodne.
Niekedy stretávacie a/alebo diaľkové svetlá. Niekedy len jedna strana, inokedy obe.
Obidve LED lampy však vždy fungovali 100% správne, keď boli ovládané ručne pomocou páčok.
Ale keď som použil HBA, po niekoľkých automatických prepínaniach stretávacích/diaľkových svetiel,
jedno z mojich diaľkových svetiel by trvalo zhaslo.
Aby to opäť fungovalo, bol potrebný cyklus vypnutia/zapnutia zapaľovania.
Oba parametre sa zvýšili zo 130 na 140
a teraz sa moje diaľkové svetlá (obe) spravujú 100% podľa očakávaní, keď sa používa HBAalec hore:.
Chybové kódy týkajúce sa stretávacích svetiel sú tiež preč.
Mimochodom, zaujímalo by ma, prečo používate svoje VCP v „inom“ jazyku?
Dobry den, chcem sa podakovat vsetkym clenom fora, menil som svetla aj na mojom multivane T6, z H4 na Led, mal som aj DTC, pomohlo mi kodovanie byte 18-66 bixenon svetla, byte 11 bit 0 dialkove svetlo aktivácia xenónu.
Dobry den, chcem sa podakovat vsetkym clenom fora, menil som svetla aj na mojom multivane T6, z H4 na Led, mal som aj DTC, pomohlo mi kodovanie byte 18-66 bixenon svetla, byte 11 bit 0 dialkove svetlo aktivácia xenónu.
Good day, I want to thank all the members of the forum, I also changed the lights on my T6 multivan, from H4 to Led, I also had a DTC, it helped me to code byte 18-66 bixenon lights, byte 11 bit 0 main beam xenon activation.
Can anyone tell me the part number(s) for the control modules for LED headlights please? I have a N/S light and negotiating a O/S so want to start collecting the various other parts and wiring to make them fit. Any other advise on what I'm going to need is welcome. I would like the auto levelling to work as it should but not fussed about the washers unless its a simple affair.
Thanks Michel for posting this.
I also had this issue.
Since I did my LED retrofit, I had random DTCs in my BCM regarding low/high beam "Open or Short to Plus".
These fault codes would show up kind of randomly.
Sometimes low beam and/or high beam. Sometimes just one side, the other time both.
Though, both LED lamps always worked 100% correctly when controlled manually via stalk.
But when I would use HBA, after few automatic low/high beam switch over cycles,
one of my high beams would go OFF permanently.
To get it back to work, an ignition OFF/ON cycle was required.
I have increased my both parameters from 130 to 140
and now my high beams(both) behave 100% as expected when HBA is in use.
Fault codes related to low beams are also gone.
By the way, I am curious why you use your VCP in "the different" language?
Yes, only these two fault codes relating to high beams are coming back.@Robert are you still getting fault codes 01495 & 01499 after increasing the parameters from 130 to 140. I increased the value to 140 but the low beam warning has gone but 01495 and 01499 are still there.
Thanks for your help.Yes, only these two fault codes relating to high beams are coming back.
Where pin 12 in headlight connects to?I have an issue. Hope you can help me out here....
I have done the retrofit of LED headlights to my multivan T6 2015.
Everything is working fine, exept the DRL on right side.
Wiring is correct. Measured in car:
- Pin 10 Headlight --> Pin 6 BCM
- Pin 14 Headlight --> Pin 28 BCM
Left side works perfect.
I get a fault code in vcds: (02746 - interruption / shortcut to plus)
Any ideas?
Hmmm... shouldn't headlight pin 12 connect to BCM pin 5 (black connector) for DRL?Pin 12 (gray/red) is connected to pin 12 ;-)