T6 Speed Limiter removal [Resolved]


VIP Member
Is there anyone local to Southampton who has the ability to remove the speed limiter on my 2018my t6 before i either die in a slow motion crash or I get fed up and set light to it , how this 72 mph limiter is deemed safe is beyond me.
My sons T6 had a speed limiter and he tried a few places to get it removed but to no avail anyway someone told him to just pull the fuse to the limiter after he did this his van drives quite well.

My sons T6 had a speed limiter and he tried a few places to get it removed but to no avail anyway someone told him to just pull the fuse to the limiter after he did this his van drives quite well.

All depends on the kind of speed limiter fitted. Some are hardware others are in the engine module adaptations.
Is there anyone local to Southampton who has the ability to remove the speed limiter on my 2018my t6 before i either die in a slow motion crash or I get fed up and set light to it , how this 72 mph limiter is deemed safe is beyond me.
Pop by I’m sure we can sort this for you
It looks like your nearest VCDS users are either @Absolut5
up near Amesbury or @BognorMotors over in, er, Bognor.
Thanks ,, all sorted now

Pop by I’m sure we can sort this for you
Thanks for the offer ,i need a kick turns out my computer was able to do it , all done now without vcds

My sons T6 had a speed limiter and he tried a few places to get it removed but to no avail anyway someone told him to just pull the fuse to the limiter after he did this his van drives quite well.

Thanks all sorted now
Anyone able to help me with this problem? Bought a conversion last week and definitely a limiter on it as won’t go above 72mph