Ditto on the first “T6Forum Summer Camp”.
Didn’t know what to expect as this was also a virgin camp out experience for us.
The organising, location, set up, and variety of dubs was great but, most pleasing of all, was the friendliness of everyone there.
Mark & wife from Bedfordshire, our neighbour Mud Digger, Dave & Chris, Michaela & Andre, Rob & Linda, Pauly, and all the others we unashamedly forgot the names of! Above all, Lee & Lisa for inviting us and making us feel like one of the T6 family!
We received much needed assistance from nearly all of you, be it physically with the awning or with advice on accessories. Seeing the different dubs that arrived gave us an insight into how unique each one was yet still retain that beautiful T6 feel.
Our doggies, Lester & Molly, enjoyed it as much as we did, meeting and sniffing and running everywhere!
Last night’s party round the pits was an experience in itself, so many smartly dressed hippies letting their hair down! Couldn’t believe had something in common with another ex forces man who’d slept in the same billets as me back in the ‘80’s down the Falkland Islands!
Many thanks to all of you, even those we didn’t get to chat to, and we hope to join some of you again at the Autumn gathering later in the year.