Well i think i may have answered my own question. The "new" band system for speeding penalties (of which i was blissfully unaware!) works like this:

So that means that, when speeding, because the speed limit is lower for LCVs on single and dual carriageways, you may fall into a higher banding. So if caught doing, say, 82 mph on a dual carriageway, you would only be in band A in a car (and therefore subject to a max 3 points), you would actually be in band B if you were in a LCV (and subject to a potential max 6 points).
I think that clears it up.....

So that means that, when speeding, because the speed limit is lower for LCVs on single and dual carriageways, you may fall into a higher banding. So if caught doing, say, 82 mph on a dual carriageway, you would only be in band A in a car (and therefore subject to a max 3 points), you would actually be in band B if you were in a LCV (and subject to a potential max 6 points).
I think that clears it up.....