Hi Guys,
Anyone need Coding done with VCDS VCP or ODIS I can help.
In Coventry and cover West Midlands.
Thanks again
Hi Guys,
Anyone need Coding done with VCDS VCP or ODIS I can help.
In Coventry and cover West Midlands.
Thanks again
If you're enquiring due to locality then this guy is local. Hi Guy, Vcds Vcp Odis Coding We Can HelpDid you ever get any VCDS stuff done?
Where did you go in the end?
Cheers BiTurbo, excuse my naivety and lack of research but I'm not sure what all the Carista mod's are.
I only have a fairly basic T6 Shuttle (no auto lamps / wipers etc.) and have only had that a few weeks so unless there are some mod's I haven't yet thought about I'm hoping to enable the following:
- Auto Locking / Unlocking
- Needle Sweep
- Teardrop Wiping
- Wing Mirror Dip (Reverse) if it exists...
- Wing Mirror Dip (Reverse) if it exists...